Tag Archives: SF

Our science-fictional world.

Two weeks ago researchers UC Berkley reported a breakthrough in understanding human speech, a breakthrough that could someday shatter many of our social conventions. The scientists, studying the patterns with varies subjects’ brains, were able to determine what words the subjects hearing by the brain’s activity alone. It is a small step from there to deciphering the unspoken words thought by a person. The researchers are developing this technology to medically help people with severe brain injury and disease. We could even learn just what is going on in a person who is in a persistent coma state, breaking through to these terribly isolated people. Continue reading


An Interesting Question

We are rapidly approaching an interesting time in human history, the moment when our phonotypical nature becomes utterly under our control. Right now we have limited ability to alter our appearance. We can dye our hair, insert inert implants to alter our shape, to an extent, suction away fat cells, and it a limited degree we can even dye our skin, altering the appearance of our pigmentation. This is as crude as the amputations and drugs used by the ship board doctors of the 18th century compared to what I think is coming in our near future. A future so near that I expect to survive to see it. The moment when we have enough genetic knowledge and control that switching on and off with ease and control will become available to the local physician and practiced upon the general population. Continue reading


Sunday Night Movie: Alien vs Predator: Requiem

Due to the holiday the Sunday Night Movie took place on Monday Night.

I picked up were upgrades to DVD already in my library, but on a whim I picked up Alive vs. Predator; Requiem .

Some months ago a friend of mine and I had stated watching the movie on blu-ray via Netflix, but the disc didn’t work properly and so we only ever saw half of the movie. Last night I watched the entire, unrated, version of the film.


It wasn’t horribly stupid or offensive but as a co-worker and friend described it, “that movie’s a teen slasher movie, but with an alien instead of a slasher,’ and I’d say her analysis is fairly on target, Continue reading


“Were I human”

Sometimes a single scene or even image can come to dominate a story. It can be a revelation, Such as with the Sixth Sense, it can be a moment of sacrifice as in The Wrath Of Khan, or even something unscripted such as “you’re going to need a bigger boat.” from Jaws. Last year, 2011 now, I experience such a moment and it continues to haunt my thoughts and nibbles at my creative urges, hoping one day to become the theme to a story.
During 2011 I had the pleasure of seeing two productions of “The Tempest’ by Williams Shakespeare. The first, my only live Shakespeare to dat, was a stage performance at the Old Globe Theater in Balboa Park, and the second was the film version starring Helen Mirren, both very good and engaging production of the story about love, monsters, magic and revenge.
Act five Scene one Prospero the wizard consult with his servant the spirit Ariel. Ariel and Prospero have trapped Prospero’s enemies in a grove of trees and some are being tormented with phantasmal vision and dangerous, while the weep at their predicament. Ariel informs Prospero that these men, who have stolen his title, lands, and exiled him and his infant daughter to die at see are so distraught with unseen terrors that if Prospero beheld them he would know his feelings would be sympathetic . Prospero questions this and Ariel responds, “Mine would, sir, were I human.” Prospero taken aback by the admission from the inhuman Ariel, realizes the futility of revenge and starts to redeem himself and in the process his enemies as well.
“Were I human” continues to echo in my mind. The though that a creature of inhuman emotions, something very alien, having greater sympathy for human plight than the supposed main character is, for me, a very powerful image. It’s at heart a concept very much at home in science-fiction, and yet one absent from the SF interpretation of “The Tempest”, “Forbidden Planet.” (Not faulting “Forbidden Planet,” they were playing along different lines.)
I keeping think on what it mean to be a person who consumed with your own obsessions that an alien understands your fellow people better than you do. One day, who knows maybe soon, but perhaps distant I find a plot to make this theme a story for my own prose.
I look forward to that epiphany.


Loscon Post Day two

Good morning world, Here it is Sunday Morning I;ve had my breakfast and ready to take on day three, the last, of Loscon.
So what did I do yesterday?
I started with a presentation

    Vostok & Mercury: The Beginning Of The Space Race.

This was presented by Dr Jim Buby and it covered in a lot of detail, quite a bit unknown to me, the history of the early parts of the space race. Verdict: Thumbs Up
Next was

    Wings Into Space The History Of The X-15.

This weas presented by Michelle Evans (no realation) who has spent 30 years working on a book about the x-15, man’s first spacecraft. The X-15 was part of a program that was trying to reach space with fully reusable vehicles, but was derailed by the race to the moon. Verdict: Thumbs Up.
After that I hurried over to

    A Conversation With Nicholas Meyer

Riding Rockets: The X-racer experience. This was three of the founding engineers from X-Cor, and really great space start up, and one of their test pilots Col. Rick Searfoss former shuttle astronaut. Their work on the Lynx continues, and they report about a 25 month plan to start paid trip to space very much Virgin Galactic.
The final presentation did not work for me. It was a survey of fantasy and Sf set in ordinary home environments. Unfortunately the presentation was a bit dry and so I just bounced around this final hour.
After dinner we hit the parties where I heard some good readings, met friends I had not seen in quite a while, had many good conversation and enjoyed ice scream. Sadly, my arthritis began flaring, my knees began hurting and when it got to me limping from room to room I called it an evening and retired for the night.


LosCon post day 1

The drive up to Los Angeles was quick and traffic free. I’m supposing more people were out shopping thank celebrating Evacuation Day as they should have been.
We checked into hotel, registered, and had a spot of lunch at Carl’s Jr. (A fast food chain on the west coast, if you are on the East coast think Hardee’s.)
Programming I attended yesterday:

    Discovering New Worlds

. This was supposed to be about what was going on in manned and unmanned space, but it turned into 60 minutes about the Mars Science Lab which launched this morning. Verdict: Interesting but could have been better.

    Plastic Spaceships and Rubber Monsters:

This was a panel of three Fx, Make-up, and film actors talking about the biz of special effect particularly in low budge film making. Verdict: Pretty good, we saw a number of props and heard interesting behind the scenes stories.

    Dawn at Vesta: Up Close and Personal with a Main Belt Asteroid

NASA’s DAWN mission arrived at the asteroid Vesta earlier this year, after a long cruise using an ion drive. (Only the second spacecraft to use an ion drive.) This presentation was from one of my favorite peoples from JPL and very informative. Verdict: Thumbs up

    The Wonderful Future That Never Was

: This was a presentation by scientist and author Gregory Benford bbased on his book of the same title. It’s a look back as the future as predicted by Popular Mechanics. What they got right (the Microwave) what they got wrong (Nuclear piles in the home.)and what we might have made. An interesting talk from one of my favorite authors. Verdict: Thumbs up



A new link in my sidebar.

So over there on the right side of the page you’ll see I added a link to the website, Darths and Droids. It is a web comic satirizing Star Wars as a loosely run RPG.

This web comic is not for everyone, but man I have found it hilarious. I was pointed towards it by my long time gaming buddy Tom. (not my brother Tom, or my nephew Tommy, or my brother-in-law Thom, or even my other gaming buddy Tom.)

If you have done a lot of RPGs, and I mean table top not on a computer screen, and have endured the Star Wars prequels, then this web comic is likely to hit your sweet spot. This fictional RPG game actually make much more sense than the prequels ever have.

If you decide to give it a spin it really is best to go to the archives and start from the beginning. I did and in two days I burned my way to current.



Sunday Night Movie: Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

This is the SF/Horror film that Hollywood will not leave alone. This film made in 1956 has become a classic of dark paranoia. The phrase ‘Pod person’ meaning someone who is not themselves, acting out of character comes from the plot of this movie. Holly will not leave it alone as this film was remade in 1978 staring Donald Sutherland and Leonard Nimoy, then again in 1993 as Body Snatchers, and yet again in 2004 as The Invasion.

While the 1978 film is  decent film and in some way is more consistent with the original vision of the movie, none of the remakes are as good as the original. This essay will have spoilers so if you have not seen the movie, stop and go see it now. Really you should and given that is less than 90 minutes long even you should be able to fit it into your schedule.

Continue reading


Just a few tidbits

So I started a new work schedule at my day-job this week. Instead of working 8-5 I will now be working 7-4. Getting home earlier is nice, but my body hasn’t yet adjusted to getting up a little earlier. As such I’m a little fogged of mind and will not likely be doing any writing this week. (Also there is a convention, World Fantasy here in San Diego, starting on Thursday.)

It’s a shame about the writing as I just cracked a plotting problem for my SF noir idea. (Currently titled in my head “The Long Night.”) I did not want my lead character to be a cop or P.I., but rather someone not normally seen in the role of unraveling a mystery. I’ll make sme notes but not much more tonight.

Here are my latest movies on blu-ray.

A first rate superhero film and an excellent lead into next years The Avengers.










For the price I couldn’t turn down a blu-ray set of all three films with bonus material. (My set does not have the swag, it’s just the three discs. I dislike unusual packaging as it never fits well in my cases.)


