Scary Season #3: The Raven (1935)

Poe has for a long time been a source for Hollywood to mine in search of new horror properties. 1935 the year the production code went into full effect Universal released The Raven very loosely adapted from Poe’s poem and starring the two biggest stars at the time in horror, Lugosi, and Karloff.

Lugosi plays Dr Vollin a brilliant but vain and arrogant surgeon. After saving the life of a daughter of a local judge Vollin becomes infatuated with the young woman and then mad when his ‘affections’ are not returned. In a plot contrivance of convenience Edmond Bateman, played by Karloff, an escaped convict under a death sentence attempts to force Vollin to perform plastic surgery so that he might escape the law. Vollin turns the tables on Bateman and intends to use him as part of his revenge on all who have denied him his true happiness.

The Raven (1935) is not very good but with a runtime of just one minute over an hour it doesn’t take up much if your life either. Karloff delivers a surprisingly nuanced performance that has echoes of his portrayal of the creature in 31’s Frankenstein. Lugosi, in the calmer more deliberate moments of his character is quite good however when the final act rolls around and he goes big his performance turns comical and appears even more so in contrast to Karloff’s in the same scenes where his understated delivery steals the moment. The movie may be unique for its second act interpretive dance of Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven, but that itself is not enough to save this picture.

The Raven is currently stream in on The Criterion Channel as part of their Universal Monsters Collection.


My SF/Noir Vulcan’s Forge is available from Amazon and all booksellers. The novel is dark, cynical, and packed with movie references,


Scary Season #2: Squid Game (2 episodes in)


The new Netflix sensation, from South Korea, is Squid Game a television series where desperate people play games from childhood with failure meaning their deaths and a promise of great financial reward.

There certainly are a lot of varied and interesting film and tv projects coming out of South Korea from the Academy Award winning film Parasite to perhaps the best zombie movie ever produced Train to Busan the creative cloud from that peninsula has been fruitful. Squid Game promises tension, suspense, and graphic violence with the right amount of social commentary blended into the story.

Two Episodes into the 9 we seem to have settled on to five principal characters:

Seong Gi-hun: A gambling addict and petty thief whose irresponsibility has cost him his daughter and threatens his mother’s health.

Cho Sang-woo: Primary schoolmate of Gi-hun. His family and the neighborhood believe that Sang-woo escape the poverty of their neighborhood by a college education and business success, but embezzlement and fraud has placed him deeply in debt.

Kang sae-byeok: A young woman who escape North Korea with her younger brother and is now desperate for fund to smuggle her parent into South Korea.

Abdul Ali: A Pakistani worker who has been exploited by an unscrupulous employer and has a wife and child to support.

Jang Deok-su: A mid-level gangster on the run from his criminal gang because of stolen funds to feed to gambling debts to foreign casinos.

Of these five characters I have the most sympathy for Sae-Byeok and Ali who seem to have the least responsibility for their dire plights. Gi-hun was the character we met first but his constant whining, refusal to take responsibility, and stealing from his mother’s bank account made the character wholly unlikeable.

That said Squid Game is a series centered on character and though the violence perpetrated is graphic and on-screen the central question is how far will these people go for cash and how much responsibility does the system bear for their plights? The production values are high with the series displaying talent in front and behind the camera. If graphic violence is not a dealbreaker for you then Squid Game on Netflix is worth a shot.

My SF/Noir Vulcan’s Forge is available from Amazon and all booksellers. The novel is dark, cynical, and packed with movie references,


Movie Review: No Time to Die


Ever since the release of Dr. No in 1962 there has been a new entry in EON Productions James Bond film franchise every two and a third years culminating in this year’s No Time to Die, the fifth and final film to star Daniela Craig as the cinematic superspy.

From Dr. No thru The World is Not Enough there has been a very loose, nearly non-existent, continuity to the franchise. Two films that I recall make direct references back to a central and tragic moment in the series’ long run, both to Bonds marriage and loss of his wife on the same day, The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only. After the change from Moore to Dalton there was never again any attempt to maintain the fiction that this was the same person but rather his history was left unexplored and unspoken of.

With Craig’s Bond beginning in 2006, just 2 short years before the juggernaut of the MCU transformed filmed franchises, this run was treated differently. Everything that came before was abandoned and the character began fresh, even earning his 00 status on screen before our eyes. The five films of the Craig Era made a seriously, if sometimes flawed, attempt at maintaining internal consistency and continuity for this version of Bond and with No Time to Die they have ventured where no Bond film has gone, recognizing the actor’s departure, and giving his character an emotional close to this five-film arc.

No Time to Die opens with Bond and his new love Madeline, (From the previous entry Specter) enjoying their freedom on the shore of the Mediterranean. In the longest pre-title sequence of the franchise Specter attempts to assassinate Bond who survives but his trust in Madeline is shattered. Years pass and Specter in a daring raid steals the movie’s McGuffin. The retired Bond is recruited by his old Friend Felix Leiter to recover to stolen tech working against her majesty’s government. The mission brings Bond heartache and ghosts as he discovers the truth long hidden and faces the consequences of his life.

Despite four credited writers director Cary Joji Fukunaga and Producer Barbara Broccoli kept the film fairly tightly focused and even a running time of two hours and forty-three minutes there isn’t a lot of fat in the plot and the pace is quick without becoming confusing. Hans Zimmer as the scores composer makes fin use of previous Bond themes including from what is in all likelihood the least seen Bond on Her Majesty’s Secret Service. The films actors are all in fine form with Craig radiating on his face the weariness and hurt that Bond’s life has taken on him. He is a man close to breaking but not yet fully broken. He is fractured and knows that this mission may finally allow him redemption and absolution.

My ranking of the Craig Bond movies run in this order.

1) Casino Royale

2) Skyfall (A very close second)

3) No Time to Die

4) Quantum of Solace

5) Specter (Which I had forgotten nearly all of the film.)



The Film That Almost Got Away


Wednesday when I posted about all the movies and films, I plan to see in theaters during October I missed one that had nearly passed by unnoticed in the crush, Lamb.

Lamb appears to be a folk horror film set among the windswept terrain of Iceland. It stars Noomi Rapace and Bjorn Hlynur Haraldsson as a grieving farming couple who discover and adapt a strange and unsettling changeling in a desperate attempt to assuage their sorrow.

I fully expect Lamb to be a film that deals in symbolism, imagery, and the power of what is left unsaid rather than a run-and-scream sort of horror. Rotten Tomatoes is currently running a 40 point deficit between critical and audience response a pattern most often seen with artistic, experimental, and challenging films. (As an example, Robert Eggers’, The Witch (2015) one of my favorite recent horror films runs a 31 point deficit.)

Lamb is an A24 Studios release. A24 has released a fair number of interesting, thoughtful, and challenging films including such unusual fare as Under the Skin, Locke, Ex Machina, Moonlight, Uncut Gems, and Midsommar to list just a few from their quite eclectic catalog. I am quite looking forward to Lamb, which opens this weekend, but we are seeing next Sunday.



The Potential IATSE Strike


IATSE is the union that covers nearly all of the ‘below the line’ workers in the film and TV industry, from Editors Make-Up artists to carpenters the Union’s force is absolutely essential to production. Without IATSE’s workers there are no productions. Everything stops. For the first time in its more than a century span ITASE may go on strike and we should support them.

They are currently battling for better pay and better working conditions. Here’s one example of those working conditions that are wearing down the workers.

It is not unusual for a production day to go 14 or more hours. There’s a rule, for safety, that a production must allow 12 hours between the end of a day and the start of the next workday. So, if you start on Monday at 7am and end at 9 pm, then Tuesday starts at 9am, Wednesday at 11, Thursday at 1pm and Friday at 3pm with your workday ending Saturday morning. You then get Sunday off and start it again on Monday.  Mind you this can be worse because 16 hours days are also not uncommon.

Writers, Directors, Actors, and Producers, who have spent perhaps years prepping a project see the production as something to ‘power’ through and then rest when the shoot is done. This is not the case for the production staff, they go from one pressure cooker to another, burning through their stress and bodies.

It is time, no it is far past time, for the studios and producers to treat the ‘below the line’ workers like people and not resources to be exhausted.


Cinematic October


First off, sorry about not posting yesterday. I awoke with aterrible migraine and between the pain and the light-headiness after the medication took effect very little creative brainpower remained.

October 2021 is shaping up to be quite a cinematic one for me. I kicked off the month with Venom: Let There Carnage, wasn’t great wasn’t terrible. Tonally uneven and bit choppy like the previous film in that franchise.

This weekend it is No Time to Die the final Daniel Craig James Bond film. Craig started with Bond in Casino Royale and is hands down my favorite Bond. While some in his series have been disappointments other have been stellar.

The weekend after Bond will belong to The Last Duel a medieval story inspired by actual events starring Jodie Comer, Matt Damon, and Adam Driver. Directed by the incomparable Ridley Scott if the script is up to snuff it will be a masterpiece otherwise it will simply look terrific.

After the blood and guts of medieval combat we swing to the blood and guts of far future combat with Dune and Denis Villeneuve’s attempt to bring this massive and dense novel to the screen. After his SF films Arrival and Bladerunner 2049 I have some faith that this director can approach the material with the intelligence.

October will close, as it should, with horror and the release of Last Night in Soho, a horror film from celebrated director Edgar Wright and starring Thomasin McKenzie and an actress famous for portraying a Thomasin, Anya Taylor-Joy. From the trailer is appears the film splits it time between swinging 60s London and the present day in a disturbing tale of possession.

All in all, this month looks to be exciting.



My SF/Noir Vulcan’s Forge is available from Amazon and all booksellers. The novel is dark, cynical, and packed with movie references,


Spooky Season I: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


I kicked off Spooky Season 2021 watching 1974’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a foundational film in the slasher genre and one that I had never seen before. (I must confess of the various sub-genre of horror slashers are among the least like by me.) Made for the equivalent of 700,0000 dollars today, TTCM is a very low budget exploitive movie that had surprisingly little gore or explicitly depicted violence/ It is also in my eye quite dull, uninteresting, and generally unworthy of viewing.

Five young adults, couples Sally and Jerry, Pam and Kirk, along with Sally’s brother Franklin, a wheelchair user, drive is rural part of Texas after reports of graverobbing to ensure that Sally and Franklin’s grandfather’s grave is not among the violated. afterwards they visit the family homestead, long abandoned, and after becoming separated one by one fall victim to a local family of cannibals one of, Leatherface, murders and dismembers the victims with a chainsaw.

Directed, produced, and co-written by Tobe Hoppe, TTCM makes the most of its limited budget, shooting locations, and cast and could have been a far more interesting movie. Its essential flaw is that the five central characters lack any real sense of character. Of these young people in peril the only defining characteristic I can recall from last night’s viewing is that Pam believes in astrology. Beyond that I can’t tell you anything about each of them as a person, other than the cinematic cliches of being quite dim about entering strange buildings uninvited and refusing to go to authorities when people go missing in the wilds at night. This lack of character or personality ultimately means a lack of caring as people stumble blindly into their doom. Rather than a sense of tragedy from unforeseeable events I experienced only boredom and irritation at their actions and dialog. Luckily the movie runs a brief but seemingly interminable 83 minutes.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is currently streaming on Shudder as one of their ‘essentials.’

My SF/Noir Vulcan’s Forge is available from Amazon and all booksellers. The novel is dark, cynical, and packed with movie references,


Another Reason What the GOT Ending Doesn’t Work


When HBO’s fantasy series Game of Thrones ended after 8 seasons many fans were disappointed. After leaving the source material behind because they had simply run out of novel to adapt the series changed in tone and pacing with the vast distances now seemingly crossed quickly with ease, the complex social/political dynamic reduced to dispatched plot points, and a final resolution so rushed it failed to build to the emotional punch required and instead felt to many as a disrespect of one of the story’s most beloved characters. (How’s that for summing it up without spoiling?)

I would argue an additional trouble came from the sequencing of the plotlines. Two massing concurrently running plots were, How to Deal with the Army of the Dead and Who is going to take the Iron Throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms?

The Army of the Dead seek to extinguish all life. The Iron Throne while consequential is a lesser issue. If everyone is dead no one is going to sit on that throne and whoever sits on that throne is only going to be there for a few decades and can be removed by revolt if needed. A bad person sitting on the throne is a resolvable issue being dead cannot be fixed. No matter how you slice it the Army of the Dead is the much more important issue. It is the issue the series resolved first.

Once the Army of the Dead is defeated and life preserved in the world the issue of the throne just doesn’t carry the same weight. Mind you they didn’t treat the Throne Issue as a denouement, something to resolve as the story ended but rather of the final six episodes of season eight half are after the more serious issue has been solved. Hours and Hours dealing with badly with a lesser problem. It just one more reason why the series left the rail and crashed.




Last Friday Apple TV+ premiered David S. Goyer’s adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s classic SF series of novel starting with Foundation.

Confession: I have never read the novels upon which this series is based. I have read a few novels and more short fiction from Asimov’s, but I always found his fiction too dry, the character to flat to be fully engaging. Asimov’s fiction tended towards Ideas and Puzzles with his characters there to push plot points forward to solve the puzzle or give voice to the idea. Only on Asimov story stands out in my memory with any sort of emotional weight and that is the short story Liar from the collection I, Robot. With his love of logic problems and flat characters to me it is not surprising that Asimov is best known for robot stories of artificial intelligences.

Foundation is the story of a collapse of a Galactic Empire ushering in a barbarous dark age of endless war and strife as civilization vanishes from the galaxy. One man, Hari Seldon, through the development of his science Psychohistory, which reduced human history and civilization to data and equations and can prediction with unerring accuracy the movement and actions of population but is utterly blind on the individual level, sees the coming fall and strives to shorten it by establishing The Foundation that will help rebuild civilization after the collapse.

The Series opens with a young brilliant mathematician, Gaal Dornick (Lou Llobell), who comes from a world of religious zealotry, arriving to work with Seldon (Jared Harris). She is perhaps the only other mathematician in the galaxy that is skilled and talented enough to fully understand the complex equations of Psychohistory. The emperor, a trio of clones of different ages, (played by Terrance Mann, Lee Pace, and Cassian Bilton is descending order of age) sees Seldon and his following as a threat to the stability of the Empire. Even as the social fabric unravels and the empire faces unprecedented threats its focus is on enemies and not the coming darkness.

Showrunner Goyer has stated that to tell the full story of Foundation and the thousands of years it will encompass he hopes to have the series run for eight seasons. Only time and audience numbers will tell if he can avoid the collapse of his how personal empire before the story is complete.

Foundation streams on Apple TV+.

My SF/Noir Vulcan’s Forge is available from Amazon and all booksellers. The novel is dark, cynical, and packed with movie references,


A Heretical Opinion on The Babylon 5 Re-Boot


From 1993 thru its conclusion in 1998 I watched J. Michael Straczynski’s (JMS) sci-fi saga Babylon 5. The series followed the events on the last of the Babylon stations conceived and constructed in the aftermath of a devastating stellar war as various races tried to form a lasting peace amid a struggle between light and dark, order and chaos, that had lasted eons. For many American the series was their introduction into serious long form television where the entire run of the show was meant to tell one large grand story, something that in today’s era of prestige television is not only common but expected.

With the flowering of prestige television is perhaps no surprise that the studio with the rights to Babylon 5, Warner Brothers, and who has a streaming service needing content, HBO Max, has announced its intent to reboot the franchise sitting in its vaults, even bring back the show’s original creator and writer JMS, to helm it once more.

Full disclosure I was fan, as I stated I watched the entire run of the series, cosplayed as a character at WorldCon, and even conceived of a dark episode with a writing partner but I think it would be prudent, wise, and in the show’s best interest if JMS this time refrained from writing nearly the entire series, nearly every script, himself, and turned that duty over to others.

JMS created a grand and fascinating setting, his characters have deep and conflicted inner lives, he possesses a rare talent, the ability to fully realize characters that are diametrically opposed to his own thinking without turning them into strawman arguments. He should show-run any reboot.

However, JMS has some glaring weaknesses as a writer. His dialog can be blunt and lacking subtly. Perhaps more importantly his handling of exposition is clumsy. During the series’ run I often referred to his ‘Exposition truck’ because of how often and blatantly the unfolding story would stop while characters ran us over with terrible, truly awful, exposition. Then once we had been left dead in the road from this writing hit-and-run, the script would gamely try to get momentum back into the story.

Because of mistreatment and disrespect by the people making feature films talented writers with tremendous gifts have been moving to television and we are so rich for it. JMS should seize this talent for his series and relinquish any scripting crafting duties himself.

My SF/Noir Vulcan’s Forge is available from Amazon and all booksellers. The novel is dark, cynical, and packed with movie references,
