Category Archives: Uncategorized

Another Friend is Gone


Last night I learned that a friend I had known for nearly 40 years died. Brian’s passing was a not a shock or a surprise but hurts just the same. Last year he was tragically struck with a degenerative neurological disease that robbed him of motor control and the ability to speak. Such diseases rarely allow for people live very long.

Brian was a good and close friend. We had played many a board and card game together, attended several science-fiction conventions, including the one where I met my sweetie-wife, and we even wrote together. Two feature film scripts, a thriller and a period adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds. Of course, the script went nowhere but I learned from them, and I learned from Brian. A piece of advice that he passed on I carry still in writing characters stricken with grief. People don’t cry, they try to not cry. That is so true so often and trying to capture that struggled of someone trying so hard to not cry and failing makes such moments more powerful.

He was a historian by education and without a doubt I learned so much from knowing him. Before he moved away and before the damned disease, we often went to movies together, though there was a run where every film he picked for us to go to turned out to be a stinker.  When I was laid up for two weeks in the 90s recovering from surgery, he came over every day with a fresh VHS tape and we watched them together,

He was not a perfect friend, no one is, and I learned all too early in life that in the end death comes for us all, but he will be missed.


This and That


There were no posts on this blog last week because I took a week off to do nearly nothing. The busy time for my day-job is fast approaching, the team I work with had lost several members since the last Annual Enrollment Period for Medicare Advantage plans that bodes for loads of work & overtime, and I decided on a staycation at home before the flood hits.

I did work on my werewolf novel. The book has now passed 50,000 words and I suspect that there are about 35,000 left before I complete the first draft. It has been an interesting experiment and experience writing a novel without an outline. I did take a moment after a couple of chapters at the start to jot down on a single page the five-act structure and possible major events in each act, but even that thin plan had been altered as the story has progressed and characters appeared and influenced those around them. Because there was not much, or any, planning and plotting prior to prose production I am finding that there are a few elements that will require corrections. For example, my fictional county ‘Wallace Point’ will have to move further north in Idaho and that will alter the reference to the surrounding counties and towns. Still, I am quite happy with the results so far.


Post Tropical Storm Hilary


Tropical Storm Hilary has swept over San Diego on its way north towards Idaho and here’s the first impression report for my family and friends.

While throughout the country there have been serious effects from so much rain and wind, flooding, downed trees, and electrical outages here and there, overall, it looks as if the county has weathered the storm well and for myself and my sweetie-wife it was super easy, barely an inconvenience.

At our condo we suffered no interruption in the power and very little damage around the complex. at least one major branch has come down off one of the trees, landing on a van but aside from that we have not seen serious damage. During the early evening the internet services might have suffered a little lag but then again that could have been Netflix’s servers producing the glitching as we watched They Cloned Tyrone. Later in the night I watched Star Tek: Strange New Worlds and witnessed no issues with the stream.

It is now nearly eight o’clock in the morning on August 21st and I have finished my preparations to go into work. Aside from rain swept streets and road closures that are not on my commute I expect today to proceed in a fairly typical manner.


A Dream That Disturbed With Its Pleasantness


Computer and email issues this morning so this post will be brief.

Wednesday night I had a dream that in itself was quite pleasant but upon awakening was very depressing.

I dreamt I visited a friend of mine who due to health issues is now in an assisted living facility. In the dream we talked, nothing of any terrible importance, just friends chatting.

Then I awoke.

It took the customary few seconds to sort out reality from the dream and as that process played out, I became depressed.

You see my friend is in an assisted living facility suffering from a degenerative neurological illness that gas robbed him of many motor functions including the ability to speak. This is not something one recovers from and that simple dream, sitting and chatting, is quite impossible.

It is not surprising that people flee from reality when reality is so often cold and cruel.


Movie Review: Oppenheimer


While I certainly enjoy Christopher Nolan films and consider many to be truly great, I would not count myself as a Nolan Fanboy. Some of his films are simply too flawed for my tastes, with Interstellar far too cynical to the point that it confuses cynicism for wisdom and Following has a plot that in my opinion is less credible than Tenant.

That said the three-hour opus Oppenheimer dramatizing the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer from University through his later years is a magnificent piece of cinema and an outstanding
Universal Studiosachievement. The runtime passed for me quickly as the film propulsive plot, and not entirely about the development of an implosion plutonium device, is always compelling and never without character driven human drama. I have watched movie less than half-as long that felt twice the runtime.

Robert Oppenheimer [Oppie] played by Cillian Murphy, a complex man driven equally by ego and curiosity, is most remember as the project head for the Los Alamos Laboratory that developed the first functional, practical atomic weapon. The film touches on the major elements and challenges of Oppie’s life, his association with Communists before the war and during the first ‘Red Scare,’ his elevation to a media figure for his work in the Atomic bomb project, his philandering and affairs including with the tragic Jean Tatlock (Florence Pugh), and his hounding from government programs for being a suspected communist.

In a film that is packed with star power, the story is principally carried by two performances, Murphy’s as Oppenheimer and Robert Downey Jr Lewis Strauss as the story’s antagonist. Much of the film is told with the Strauss’s confirmation as Secretary of Commerce hearings acting as both as a framing device and tool to jump to specific points in the Strauss/Oppenheimer feud.

Photographed beautifully by Nolan’s long-time cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema Oppenheimer presents a lush, lavish, and sweeping frame well encompassing Hoytema’s talents and Nolan’s passion for large format cameras.

Oppenheimer, Nolan’s first feature for his new home at Universal Studios, is an achievement in scope, scale, and humanity that the filmmaker has been building towards for decades, and a movie well-deserving of as theatrical viewing.


A Quick Update


This blog has been quiescent for several days because this author has been battling the worst flu/cold he has suffered in something like 15 years.

Thursday July 6th symptoms began with a nasty cough that made it seem like tiny workmen with sandpaper were busily resurfacing by brachia. I managed to get to my day job on the 7th and after that I was down and out.

Last week was a terrible collage of coughing, hacking, and sweating. I managed to return to work on Friday and even this weekend had far more coughing than I would have cared for.

Now that the worst is behind me, I hope to return to work on my novel and perhaps even make it out to a film.


Bits and Pieces


Here are my thoughts on a few scattered subjects.

The Titan Tragedy

The loss of the vessel with the five people aboard was a tragedy. Albeit an avoidable tragedy and one that is wholly unsurprising given the history of the company and its attitude towards safety. The only grace in the terrible affair is that the people aboard almost certainly had no awareness of their demise. A catastrophic failure of the pressure hull at depth is an event that would be measure in milliseconds involving energies comparable to several sticks of dynamite.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2

Quite happy to see this series return. I am an old fart and much of the recent Star Trekofferings have not worked particularly well for me. Granted episode one gave us yet another massive court-martial event that will be swept under the rug further supporting the jest to advance in Star Fleet an officer must at some time commit mutiny, the series remains enjoyed with interesting characters and a fine cast.

Marvel’s Secret Invasion

Off to a good start. Fun paranoia dealing with shape shifters and the eternal question of ‘who can you trust?’ A definite ‘gut punch’ of an ending at the first episode as stakes rose considerably. Of course, it won’t be until the story is concluded that I can render a final judgement. Endings are critical and a bad one can ruin an experience. e.g., Game of Thrones

Adventures in ‘Pantsing’ a novel

My experiment continues along. My first novel length attempt at horror combined with an attempt to craft the novel without an outline has now reached about 25000 words of an expected 80,000 to 100,000 word target. I suspect that the current act, Act 2 of 5, will be the most challenging and if I can get through this bit the rest should fall into place.


Zoo Photos Sunday June 18th, 2023


Yesterday, being a Sunday without a feature film for me and my sweetie-wife was a day to go to the zoo. I had expected it to be quite busy on account of Father’s Day, but when we arrived at 9:15 am the crowds were quite spare.

The Snow Leopard was posing for the guests, and I am very happy with this photo.

The Grizzly bears had been fed and the cool morning had them unusually active.

Like the Grizzlies, the Mountain Lions were also very active. As we watched them a small side door opened and one mountain lion exited immediately while the other in true cat fashion came to the door and then paused for a lengthy period torn between going through the door or staying put.

We ended our visit with a trip to the burrowing owls, one of my sweetie-wife’s favorite spots.


Head I Win, Tails You Cheated


It has been said that Trump can never lose he can only be cheated, and that is his operating method, he wins every election and contest and when it is declared he did not then that is fraud.

Since 2020 presidential contest where Trump was thankfully thrown out on a slim margin of some 40,000 in just the right places, the Trump cult has been focused on taking over local election boards and altering election laws to allow them to cheat the next contest. It is not only an existential threat of American democracy but to the Republican Party itself.

The GOP, standing aside, too cowardly to confront the monster that they have crafted, seem to believe that this terrible fraud will only be utilized against the Democratic Party, an idiotic short-sighted perspective.

There is talk is this or that GOP pol can beat Trump in the primaries and take the nomination. Trump can never lose be can only be cheated. Any and every primary ‘loss’ will be proof of the ‘Establishment’ and ‘RINOs’ conspiring against Trump. that could be nothing but bitching and complaining but for those local election boards and seats now firmly in the Cult’s control.

I do not know if they hold the power to unquestionably throw the nomination to Trump, but I do know that they will try. The fanatics willing to storm the capitol will have no reservations about the RNC. Even if they cannot by legal means manipulate the results, they will spark a floor fight at the national convention unseen in modern times. If the future of our democracy were not hanging in this balance it would be a time for popcorn. Everyone one of us must vote against every Republican political until the party is burned to the ground, the ground salted, and a new party, undoubtedly with the same name, is constructed.



Actor Robert DeNiro, 79, has fathered a child in an act that strikes me as narcissistically irresponsible. Undoubtedly DeNiro is thrilled and proud to be a father again with a 7th child. There is no question that he possesses the wealth and resources to provide for another kid. But at such an advanced age DeNiro is unlikely to see his offspring mature and it is the child’s emotional health and mental well-being that I find myself thinking on.

Now, it is entirely possible that the emotional scars of losing my own father when I was young has made it difficult or impossible to be dispassionate about such matters, but it is also possible that it has given me a viewpoint thankfully not shared by the majority.

I do not think that DeNiro is showing a great deal of concern for this child. Losing a parent, particularly when one is old enough to grasp the concept of death but still too young to deal with the crushing reality of death is a very hard road to travel. My father dying when I was 10 has impacted me in so many ways and so shaped my emotional relationship with death and dying. Everyone dies is a truth but to have it be an emotional truth at age 10 or so is impactful on ways that are difficult to comprehend. To inflict that on a child as a probable outcome is self-centered to a Trumpian degree.
