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The Next Novel


I have begun to earliest work on my next novel. Another horror, this one a bit of a period piece, but a period I know well, San Diego the summer of 1984. This one will be a ghost story centered on an arthouse/revival house movie theater in the Kensington area of the city. For people who know San Diego, yes, I am crafting a fictional version of the beloved Ken Cinema that ceased operations at the start of the pandemic. The Ken was part of the Landmark chain of theaters that once thrived here and now no theaters of that illustrious chain remain open in San Diego.

The summer of ’84 was an eventful summer for the nation and the city. Los Angeles hosted the Olympics, which the Soviets boycotted. Our mayor was embroiled in a scandal that seems so small and quaint by today’s degenerated politics. Ronald Reagan was riding to a massive electoral victory and San Diego erupted on the map with for a while the largest mass-murder event in the country’s history. Sadly, America has broken that record repeatedly.

That was the year I still performed as part of the fans that attended The Rocky Horror Picture Show midnight screenings, made lifelong friends, and discovered some of my favorite films in class at college.

Amid all this crisis and confusion, I plan to play with ghosts and cinema. It should be a lot of fun.


General Catch Up


We have hit the busiest portion of our annual work at the day-job and last month I worked more overtime days and non-overtime days. However, this week I am scaling back for health reasons.

For the last three days running I have had on each day some level of migraine headache with Saturday evening and Sunday morning being the most intense pain days. Sadly, that forced me to cancel my role-playing game on Saturday night and my zoo trip on Sunday morning.

That said, I have been able to get to work and contribute to the massive backlog created by people who waited to the very last minute to submit their enrollments.

I have also been able to continue work on my folk/cosmic horror novel and have now passed 75,000 words with perhaps 10 or 12 thousand left to completing the 1st draft. Then the revisions begin, and this will take a lot more than any other novel I have written. While life is easier with an outline, I am glad I have written this one by the seat of my pants if for no other reason than to experience that process.


Intermittent Posting for the Rest of the Year


The crunch time at my day-job has begun and with it the loads of overtime hours that are extended to the workforce. Luckily this is not retail or some construction type work, I work in an office, listening to podcasts while processing endless reams of paperwork helping people get the non-profit health insurance plans that they seek. So, while it is not physically taxing, but it saps energy and takes time.

This means the early morning time I usually employ for writing this blog will vanish most days and with it the posts. Mondays are different I tend not to work overtime on those days, so I am going to attempt to maintain at least a weekly schedule.

Good news is that lunches remain productive for my novel writing and with 60,000 words down and 30,000 or so to go I still look to complete the 1st draft of my next horror novel before the end of the year.

The election results here in the USA are concerning. If the president elect does as he has threatened, then in all likelihood terrible times are ahead. Perhaps he will be satisfied with merely looting the treasury and a civil war among his staff will limit damage, but it is not an outcome I would wager on. There is naught to do but fight in every legal way possible and preserve strength for the upcoming battles. World War II was not settled when the Allied force fled from Dunkirk, it looked dark, but in the end the fascist were defeated. Last week was a battle, not the war.


I am Falling Behind


The writing of my folk/cosmic horror has fallen a little behind the schedule. Just 3 or 4 thousand words shy of where I want to be by the end of October. Still, the novel might be completed by the end of the calendar year, particularly if it ends up between 80k and 90k words.

Right now, I am at the most challenging part of my novel writing process. I am more than halfway through the first draft and the sensation that I haven’t a clue how to make the whole piece work is quite strong. This mid-plot doldrum and uncertainty occurs even with a carefully outlined book and seems more intense with this work which I am writing without the safety net of a prepared outline.

Still, there are aspect of this manuscript that have me very happy. My three point of view characters have strong distinct voices, and I have confidence in the material even if I don’t have that for myself.

This weekend is likely to be rejuvenating for me. We have a small local convention to lift my spirits and on Monday I am driving to Hollywood to see Quatermass and the Pit one of my favorite films projected from a technicolor print.


Spooky Season: Rumours


So, not the classic album from Fleetwood Mac but rather the black comedy/satire film starring Cate Blanchett.

Elevation Pictures

Written and Directed by the team if Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, and Galen Johnson, Rumours is set during a working dinner for the G7 leaders, the chief executives, Presidents and Prime Ministers, of the leading democratic economies, as they attempt to draft a provisional statement concerning some crisis left by the script undefined. Dur the course of the dinner, which takes place in a gazebo, the supporting staff vanish, and the world leaders are left to their own inept devices while confront by undead bog bodies and mysterious giant forest brains.

With haunting cinematography from Stefan Ciupek and a striking color pallet the film has an impressive look to it and is further enhanced by a cast is excellent actors including Charles Dance as an American president with a wholly unexplained strong British accent.

The script provides numerous humorous incidents and character studies and yet for me failed to land fully. The target of the satire, ineffectual leaders providing only rehashed, recycled, and generic observations on problems facing the world is sharp enough the point of the satire seemed to have passed me by entirely. It was clear that the filmmakers have little regard or respect for world leaders but provided no other path or course of action.

The film doesn’t go as far as to live wholly within a realm of ‘dream logic’ like something from David Lynch yet and it is beyond our own sense of reality. (The lack of any ‘protective services’ is simply never addressed. In the film’s world the U.S. President, not to mention the others, simply have no one guarding them day and night.)

What enjoyment I derived from viewing this film lays entirely with the cast and their performances, particularly with Cate Blanchett who simply commanded my attention every moment she existed on the screen.

I honestly am glad I took the time to see this in the theaters, but I also cannot recommend this film as anyone reaction is likely to be so idiosyncratic as to make recommendations pointless.


Spooky Season: My Best Halloween Prank


I really do not do pranks as a general rule but this one from my youth worked out rather well.

My sister lived on a corner plot of land with a paved street running alongside. From the street, which saw many trick & treaters on Halloween night, her house would be on your right, her backyard directly in front of you, and a garage with peaked roof on your left. The far side of the peaked roof was shaded by citrus and fruit trees.

I ran a monofilament line from the trees down to the base of the house, passing over the downslope of the garage’s roof and across the back yard. On this I placed two coat hangers at right angles draped with a sheet for a simple and classic ‘ghost.’ A second monofilament line allowed me to let the ghost slide down the line, matching the slope of the roof, or pull it back up toward the top.

When dusk and evening came the lines were impossible to see and as trick & treaters patrolled the neighborhood for candy, I let the ghost ‘walk’ down the garage roof.

Now, my penchant to be on that roof was well know and people simply assumed that we me in a sheet proving a little holiday spirit. As people passed, they noticed the ‘ghost’ and stopped to watch, enjoying the spirit of the performance.

Hidden on the reverse slope of the roof, I let the device slide to the very edge of the roof and for a moment it stayed there, as if I had walked to the edge.

With everyone convinced it was just me in a sheet, I let it take one more ‘step’ off the roof, hovering in the air.

People gasped and then laughed loudly as they realized the gag.

That moment, when what you think you know, a person is there in a sheet, turns into something you didn’t expect and don’t understand is the essence of both horror and comedy. A rule has been broken and it can either be shockingly funny or shockingly horrifying.


Not My Best Weekend


This past weekend, which was an extended weekend for many here in the US but not for myself, was not as fun as I had hoped.

Originally, I was scheduled to run my Tabletop Role-playing Game of Space Opera for my friends and since that is the only time I see most of them I was quite looking forward to it.

However, this week, even with a holiday on Thursday, proved to be more stressful than I anticipated. A trip to the dermatologist to have a very small mole removed left lingering questions that gnawed at my subconscious.

By Saturday cycling migraine headaches arrived. None were very intense, but they would appear, disrupt my thinking and then recede only to return a couple of hours later. Too discombobulated to think clearly and with the prospect of a couple of hours with headphones on, the game is held over zoom, I was forced to cancel the session.

The headaches continued into Sunday, but I managed to keep my Sunday schedule of walking in the San Diego Zoo with my sweetie-wife, though the humidity made the experience quite a sticky one.

I also received another ‘pass’ from an agent I had queried to represent my werewolf novel. The rejection included a very brief reason. Normally any response beyond a canned form email is reason to be encouraged. Not this time.

Their specific issue, and granted this is just one person’s opinion, is that the sample was too ‘tell not show’ and felt overly expository. This stung because I have always felt that showing not telling and deftly handling exposition were part of my strong suits as a writer.

Ah well, the new week is starting and I shall raise my hopes once again.


The Ultimate Fundamental Force


The fundamental forces are fascinating and mysterious elements of the universe. Electro-Magnetism harness and yoked by humanity powers our modern life. The Strong nuclear force binds the cores of atoms together. The Weak Nuclear force drives decay and radioactivity. Leaving gravity exerting the least force of the four through teamwork that extends across the universe proves stronger than all the rest creating black holes and breaking physics itself.

But the ultimate fundamental force is Motivated Reasoning.

Motivated reasoning is the power that makes 1984’s Big Brother a terrifying possibility. It is not that everyone knows the truth of a situation and simply complies out of rational self-preservation but rather once a desired outcome is formed how easily we craft elaborate justification and logic chains to bind ourselves to the fiction that produces the satisfying result.

It powers out divisive and partisan politics. As parties move and reform around new priorities and populations very few former members leave for pastures more in line with their stated positions but rather the people find circuitous routes of reasonings that ‘justifies’ their loyalty to new positions.

Motivated Reasoning extends its deceptive grasp beyond politics. It reaches wherever emotion and identity impact. Show me something that is important to a person sense of self and there you will find motivated reasoning.

This force is particularly dangerous because it is so subtle. Working its way on us from our subconscious influencing the very things we give any weight to before we are even aware that we have given something a value of importance. People rarely ask themselves, ‘Why do I think this?’ ‘Why do accept this?’

I am no more immune to motivated reasoning than any other person walking this planet. I try, I try very hard to interrogate myself as to what is beyond my acceptance of a fact or my ‘gut feeling’ on any subject, but being human, being a creature of socialization, I fall short as we all do. But we must try.


Better but Not Yet Whole Again


So, this damnable cough that I developed following my bout of COVID-19 remains with me, albeit less intensely than before.

The new therapy has lessened the severity and number of attacks but hasn’t eliminated them.

My endurance in talking has increased and for two weeks running I was able to game master my Space Opera Role Playing Game but with a limited endurance. After about two hours the cough returns with enough force to compel me to stop the game. My players seem satisfied to go on with short runs so the game will continue.

On the writing side I am quite energized by the coming folk horror novel I am going to attempt. There are some issues here and there. Given the nature of the commune the setting limits the diversity of the characters more than I typically like but I think I can find a way to bend this to my theme so it pays off rather than hinders the project.

I am still at an utter loss for a title but that may come as I write it.


Of Rockets and Scams


I ended up taking two days off this week, Wednesday and Thursday to watch rocket launches streamed live. Originally it had been just Wednesday as June 5th had been the originally proposed date for the Integrated Flight Test 4, IFT-4, for the Starship/Superheavy launch system but when the date slipped to Thursday, I just added an extra day off in my request and took both. (After yen years of working for my currently employer and thanks to a muscular union I enjoy a decent amount of paid time off every calendar year.)

Wednesday, I watched the Starliner, a crew vehicle from Boeing, launch on its first crewed mission. The launch went well but problem have arisen and Boeing continues to suffer for the evolution of its corporate culture. At the time of the writing the issues look to be something that can be dealt with, but I would not rule out the possibility that the crew will need to return on a different vehicle than the one that launched.

Thursday’s launch was much more interesting to me. The massive, almost inconceivable system that is the Superheavy booster and its mated large vehicle, Starship may represent an impressive leap forward in space access if everything can be made to work at projected. The ‘if’ in that sentence is not meant to disparage but a simple recognition that the engineering achievement is challenging and not all goals can be achieved. That’s why this is test flight 4, bit by bit and flight by flight a lot of being learned about the technical challenges this project represents.

IFT-4 succeeded in its mission objective and then some. The enormous booster returned to Earth for a soft ‘landing’ in the Gulf of Mexico, though the precision of the landing still needs to be studied and verified. The Starship vehicle achieved it orbital velocity and planned trajectory. (This flight was never intended to actually go all the way to orbit.) Reentering above in Indian Ocean fully under control even as the thermal protection system failed in spots, damaging some of the control systems. The fact that Starship is so large that is casts a shadow in the hot plasma of reentry and can transmit live video to the Starlink constellation of communication satellites is in itself a major evolution in what we can see and learn in space travel.

When I first searched for the live stream of the launch, I ended up on the scam site impersonality SpaceX’s official stream. The AI faked Elon Musk was as impressive that the rocket launches themselves. For at least the first round of ‘deposit one crypto coin and I’ll match it without another, doubling your money’ of pitches I just accepted that Musk, a known promoter of crypto, was real even if the deal stunk to high heaven of scam. (No one gives away free money.) I found another stream to watch and enjoyed the launch with all its excitement.

The fake Musk scam sort of invites all sort of sharp definitive opinions about the eccentric billionaire and illuminates for me the Manichean way so many people view the world. Something or someone is either ‘good’ and praiseworthy or they are ‘bad’ and worthy only of contempt. When focused on a particular thing or person these opinions are often not static. Musk when he touted environmentalism and saving the ecology through electric cars and such was praised, rightly so, by the left. When he assumed control of Twitter and unbanned a number of quite distasteful figures he became a subject scorn. The truth of the matter is that he has done both good and bad, he views have been both right and wrong, but it’s very hard for people to hold such complex views. The founding of the United States of American was a fantastic advancement for human liberty and American is awash in the sin of slavery and most of the men who founded this nation with high ideal of freedom were also enslavers. Both things are true. America is neither inherently good nor inherently bad, but so many insist on one or the other viewing the opposing facts as mere footnotes.
