Category Archives: Culture

Another Trip Around the Great Ellipse


2022, as we reckon it, has started and here’s hoping that this year will see improvements over the one now departed to the ashbin of history.

Have no doubt that the times ahead will still be turbulent, troublesome, and tiring. Politically things will get harder, meaner, and more dangerous before they get better. The great test of American democracy and democracy in general will not be met by this year’s election or even the next presidential cycle but rather over the next decade. Still there is hope. Despair is those who know that there is no hope and only those with perfect foresight can know that.

On other fronts 2022 will still be an interesting year.

It is the year that the 1948 Paramount Decree which forbade Motion Picture Studios from owning theatrical exhibition assets is formally terminated and it would not surprise me in the least if Disney turned around bought AMC launching a frenzy as other studios raced to get back into the showing movies business.

Here’s hoping that 2022 is also when we start getting good results from the newest batch of mRNA vaccines, the ones being tested right now against HIV/AIDS and some cancers.

There are dark times ahead but there is also strong reasons to believe that better times are also coming to meet us. Stay strong, get vaccinated, fight for democracy, and be kind.


The Billion Dollar Movie You’ve Never Seen


2021 has been a rough year for theatrically releases feature films. While their box office takes gave improved over pandemic year one 2020 and Spider-Man: No Way Home sold enough tickets to pass the billion-dollar mark for it parents Sony and Marvel Studios other long-awaited movies failed to get close to a billion dollars or even make it into the top ten global box office earnings. I’m looking at you Dune and Black Widow, but that is not entirely fair because the global box office environment has changed. While Spider-Man‘s latest adventure clawed its way past a billion dollars close on its heels is a film that just squeaked past 900 million, a patriotic, crowd-pleasing, epic war movie that you’ve never seen and likely never heard of; The Battle at Lake Changjin.

Produced and distributed by and for the Chinese film market Lake Changjin tells the story of the Chinese army’s entrance into the Korean War and the hardships, struggle, and heroism in pushing the American forces out of North Korea. (Note: Lake Changjin is known to Americans as Chosin Reservoir.)

Naturally a film financed by the publicity department of the Chinese Communist Party as an element of celebrating the centennial of their founding is going to be patriotic and jingoistic, but I am not here to discuss the film’s historical accuracies or inaccuracies. Rather its existence and its massive financial score is what I am interested in today.

For the last few decades, the Chinese film market has been a vital component of the American studios global strategy. Large, action-filled, noisy, films that require minimal language and cultural translations have traveled well overseas and particularly in China. As recently as all the top ten global box offices films were American movies. This year three of those slots were occupied by Chinese produced feature films, the aforementioned The Battle at Lake Changjin, Hi, Mom and Detective Chinatown 3. (See, it’s not just Hollywood obsessed with IP and sequela.)

This is not just an effect of theaters stayed closed long the US due to pandemic restrictions, all three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films released this year, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Black Widow, and Eternals were denied access to the Chinese market. The Chinese Communist Party, who in my opinion are now communist in name only, used American blockbuster to build their domestic market, invited productions to learn the trade, craft, and art, of film making, and now are closing that door confident and competent that not only can they fill their market with locally produced and ideologically approved features but that they will soon be positioned to challenge Hollywood’s century-long global dominance.

This is more than money. This is a prime vector for transmitting ideology, culture, and values. It may very well be our future will be influence by Chinese cinema over American.


After The Wolf


We’re all familiar with the fable of the boy who cried wolf. How charged with guarding the flock at night he falsely twice cried out alarm of the wolf, turned out the adults and laughed at them then on the third alarm when the wolf has actually appeared no one came and, the way it was told to me, he was eaten by the wolf. A cautionary tale against telling lies for when you will need to be believed you won’t be.

But what happened the day after the wolf?

No doubt with the boy killed and the flock in danger the adult sprang into action, formed hunting parties, beat the wood and either drove off or killed the wolf.

It is the follow up that interests me as next year it appears more than likely that our 6 person majority court will strike down Roe v Wade and take back a right from Americans. For years, literally for decades, we have heard the alarms that this was the goal of the right. The cry went up in every campaign that this danger was approaching and following the campaigns the ruling wasn’t overturned. Now those who raised these warnings were not the boy who cried wolf for they were not lying, they saw clearly the looming threat, but the length of time required for the right to gain the power to achieve their goals dulled the alarm and reduced the warning to background radiation of our nuclear war politics. But now it appears the boy will be eaten and what will the response be?

I have heard voices on the right dismissing any political blowback as alarmism. They point to exits polls and how few people voted on the abortion issue alone, but this may very well be a poor extrapolation. There is a very real difference between a hypothetical event, be warned that a danger may exist, and a real event that crashes into the political landscape like an asteroid. Nearly three generations of people have lived with the accepted knowledge that this right existed, its sudden extinction may very well be a shocking, traumatic, and mobilizing event just months before a national election.


We have not been in the situation before. Until this case the progress has been expanding rights of the individual not eliminating them and the past gives us very little upon which to see the future.


Odds and Ends


It’s mind numbingly stupid that in all likelihood more Americans are going to die of COVID 19 after a safe and effective vaccine is available than before there was such an option.


The Internet has performed an artistic trick that a hundred years of cinema could not pull off, making foreign language television and movies popular with Americans.


I wonder if any marginal Republican districts are going to change hands because the GOP has successfully convinced their base that death is the way to ‘own the libs?’


Colin Powell screwed up supporting the invasion of Iraq, but he was magnitudes less evil and less dangerous that all of those in close orbit with Trump.




Bucking the Genre: Promising Young Woman


After the dissolution of the studio system and the abandonment of the Production code the 1970s witnessed an explosion of subgenres of film that had previous been forbidden more graphic sexuality, violence, and nudity changed cinema from studio productions to exploitive independent movies. Perhaps the most exploitive subgenre to emerge from this cinematic chaos was the rape-revenge movie.

In this subgenre a woman after surviving a sexual assault discovers hidden reserves of strength and becomes a force for vengeance, sometimes solely against her assailant and sometimes against men in general. The movies often ended with final showdowns where she triumphs, often lethally, against her original attacker. Rape-revenge movie is different from movies that utilized a woman’s sexual assault to motivate the protagonist to finally act against the story villain by centering the woman, or sometimes women, experience instead of using her trauma as mere motivation for someone else. Often these movies are very exploitive, using social commentary and feminism as excuses for onscreen explicit violence and nudity.

Promising Young Woman is without a doubt a rape revenge film, the trailers made that much clear, but unlike the vast majority of the genre PYM doesn’t promote the trope that trauma instills growth but rather unflinching it depicts trauma as it is so often in reality, something that shatters lives and personality leaving the person broken and incomplete.

At the film’s opening Cassie, the protagonist, spends her weekend nights playing at being too drunk to stand and when some man takes her to his home to, let’s be blunt, rape her, she drops the sham intoxication and confronts him. Cassie’s life is devoid of friends and joy, she is already broken by the experiences of her backstory. Everything changes after a chance encounter with a former classmate who brings the knowledge that the assailant that escaped any form of justice has returned to town. Cassie switches from random revenge to precise, calculated vengeance against the people that enabled the assault. However, in the course of her revenge Cassie discovers new information that set her on a much darker much more violent path.

In most rape-revenge movies the filmmakers are caught between two terrible paths when forced to depict the sexual violence at the heart of their story. They can depict the terrible events more faithfully and risk traumatizing and repelling their audience or, and this is the case is the exploitive side of the genre, they can titillate with the violence, playing to dark male fantasies. Emerald Fennell, Promising Young Woman‘s writer and director did neither. Rather than show us she restricted our experience to hearing the attack. A brilliant move that sidestepped and exploitive titillation and provided the audience with the horror of what we are capable of imagining. Fennell kept her film and script grounded with a reality we can believe in rather than one of glorified and improbable violence. The ending, fitting with her approach of the subject matter, is dark and with only a glimmer of catharsis. The film’s second act is perhaps is greatest magic trick, inducing in Cassie and the audience a false sense of security that so perfectly mirror the real-life experiences of far too many.

Cary Mulligan’s portrayal of Cassie is nuanced and even when Cassie’s life seems happier with a new dawn possibly breaking her performance contains the tragedy that always exist just under her skin. Like her namesake Cassandra, Cassie is living a tragedy with an inescapable fate that bears down on her like a freight train.

Promising Young Woman is currently playing on HBO.


Let Us Not Rejoice in Death


There is no doubt, no confusion, no mistaking noise amongst the data, at this time in the United States Covid-19 is killing more ‘conservatives’ than ‘liberals.’ At both the state and county level vaccination rates track with election results, the more a region voted with the Democrats the more vaccinated its population and the more vaccinated the population the more protected that are. Where Trump won larger votes shares more people are dying of Covid. The cause and effects are stark, clear, and lethal. Rejection of vaccines and mitigation measures such as masks are the cause of the pandemic continued lethality among ‘conservative’ populations.

To those basking in schadenfreude at this misfortune, at the suffering and death of your political opponents I say, stop! For practical and moral reasons, we should not, at all, take any sort of pleasure or preen with and sense of superiority over these human tragedies.

Many, if not most, of the people suffering, dying, and losing loved ones are pawns, used and manipulated by cynical sinister and anti-democratic forces. They are victims of the greedy, venal, and evil people that control ‘conservative’ thought in America. Yes, they placed those people into power and now those in power are sacrificing them as they have so many others before. ‘Spiking the ball’ will not open eyes, it will shut them, but perhaps, maybe, a little compassion will save some of these misguided souls.

This terrible tragedy is killing more than just those who have been led into suicidal behavior. Hospitals in these regions, already underfunded, are stressed to. and some areas, beyond the breaking point and people in need of critical care are dying because there is no care left for anyone else. If you are taking joy in these prevented covid deaths, you are also taking joy in the collateral damage it spreads. There cannot be one without the other.

Abuse, individual and cultural, is a cycle and the abused becoming the abuser. Only when the abused can find their way out and not visit upon other what has been done to them can the cycle shatter. Many of these ‘conservatives’ have indulged in their own schadenfreude over others suffering from disease and addiction and while it is hard, very hard, now is the time for the formerly abused to break the cycle and not continue it.

None of this is to say that the political fight ends with compassion and welcoming arms. There is a proto-fascist movement seeking to end democracy in the United States. It’s aims are to subvert and discredit elections while stealing them with discriminatory laws and regulations. For that enemy there is no compassion, no forgiveness, but for the pawns that use, abuse, and discard we can be the better people. When they said, ‘hate the sin not the sinner,’ they lied, we do not have to lie. We can be the moral people and we can be the righteous people without becoming the cruel people taking joy in death.


We Are the GOPs Enemy


In the long before time of the Cold War it was easy to see who the enemy was in the eyes of nearly every Republican, The USSR its satellite states and its desire to spread the glorious revolution globally. The enemy allowed the diverse GOP a point of unification. Northern ‘Rockefeller’, rambunctious Libertarians, evangelical pro-lifers, and southern social conservatives set aside their vast and deep differences to unit in the fight against global communism.

Then they won.

The USSR dissolved, the Eastern Bloc shattered, and the only Communist nations left in the world was Cuba and North Korea.

The division that had been suppressed within the GOP became meaningful. Rockefeller Republicans were run out of the party labeled as RINOs and the remaining cliques fixed their eye on a new enemy to unify their ranks and stoke anger and fear to motivate their base into the frenzy required to separate them from their cash and win their vote and that enemy were their fellow Americans. But the calculus that stoked the anger failed to recognize that anger can be self-generating and the energized base is easily transformed into the murderous mob. Now, with the murderous mob in their party no one has the spine to confront their creation and the list of enemies grows and the list of actions ‘beyond the pale’ to acquire power shrinks to nothing.


Repulsed Republicans


The attempted recall of California Governor Gavin Newsom failed by a staggering 28 points. Wasting time and nearly a quarter of a billion dollars the sane citizens of the Golden State resoundingly rejected the GOP’s desperate do-over and its mad scheme to place the control of nation’s most populous state in the hands of a conservative celebrity.

Hopefully I wish for the national Democrats to learn this valuable lesson, tie every last Republican to the leader of their Turd Reich. From dog catcher to Senator every single motherforking one of them to their orange man-baby, endless sound bites of them praising the Manhattan Mussolini and at every debate pushing them into corners forcing them to either denounce the madness or own it. Rick Wilson, former Republican election strategist wrote a book Everything Trump Touches Dies, make every damned GOP candidate touch him. This must be the North star for Democrat for countless election to come.

But California needs to reform its recall system. This is madness. I’d say go ahead and leave the signature requirements and such the same. We should not make it too difficult to remove a person who needs to be removed but the actual replacement should simply be the Lieutenant Governor. That’s why the office is there, to become Governor when there is a vacancy. Given that the GOP has proved it cannot win statewide offices anymore that post is almost certain to be a Democrat and there would be little fire to exchange one Democratic for another.


20 Years On


Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and flight 93 that is generally assumed to have its target the capital but was thwarted by its passengers at the cost of their own lives.

I remember clearly where I was how I heard about the attacks. At the time I was working an overnight shift at a laboratory that performed drug testing for commercial clients. I loaded and ran a large machine that processed the samples. I was far from a scientist but a worker with basic skills and to help pass the hours I listened to radio during the night. Every night as the dawn came atmospheric changes began interfering with reception and usually, I had to shut off the radio for the last hour or so of my shift. On Sep 11th, 2001, just as the signal was degrading beyond usability, I hear the first reports that a plane has collided with one of the towers at the WTC. I assumed it was probably some light civilian aircraft and heard no more as noise swamped the signal.

At the time I used mass transit to get home and at the bus stop a random person was trying to tell me that a tower had collapsed. At this point I still had no confirmed information that it had been a massive airliner and assumed this person was passing on rumor or speculation. (Even before the Internet, Facebook, and Twitter there was plenty of bad and fake information out there.) When I reached the 7-11 just blocks from my apartment, I saw the video playing on their television and understood that the world had changed.



My Latest YouTube Fascinations


There are lots of crappy YouTube channels pouring poison and lies into a public discourse but there are also loads of content that is educational and fun and belonging to the latter category are some of the channels I’ve discovered doing ‘reaction’ videos. These are people who are watching movies and television, usually for the first time, and reacting to the unfolding story. I’ve discovered three channels that for quite different reasons I find fun and relaxing to watch. These are presented in no particular order.

Natalie Gold A young women who works in the film industry Natalie’s videos provide the most reaction of my three favorite channels. She screams, laughs, and cries very easily but also given her vocation she has a sharp eye for performance, and artistic choices.

Millennial Movie Mondays Ashleigh Burton is a millennial whose life has zigged and zagged her past may cultural movie markers and is now experiencing many of these films for the first time. She is funny with a sarcastic sense of humor and willing to take unpopular stands on popular movies. Watching her channel can make someone feel older especially when something that used to be as culturally all-consuming as a Rambo reference is answered with a ‘Huh? What does that refer to?’

Fictionaldarling This young woman doesn’t overtly display her name and approaches her watches and they are often re-watches not first-time viewings, from a decidedly fannish perspective invested in the characters and their relationships.

