Category Archives: Culture

That Potential Harry Potter Series


Deadline and other sources are reporting that Warner Brothers, a studio once known for its anti-fascist stances, is looking to move forward for a re-booting of the valuable Harry Potter IP as a series for its streaming service HBOMax. It is reported that WB CEO Zaslav has met with JKR in hopes of bringing this project to life and that JKR may even be producer on the series. JKR, in addition to the controversies surrounding her small-minded stance on trans issues, is notorious for demanding control over the property and would likely wield great influence over the series’ production.

It’s understandable that people became fans of the franchise either through the books or the films before JKR’s opinion became public poisoning, quite understandably, many against the author. With the proposed series all this is known ahead of time on this go around and raises ethical and moral concerns about financially supporting JKR as she continues with what many people feel are bigoted opinions.

I fully support those who protest and drag into the light the statements and attitudes of JKR, but I also think it would be wise and just to be prudent in who is targeted if this series continues to move forward.

For example, the young actors cast in the series I would not want to see hounded or harassed on social media. ‘We are not so smart when we are young,’ as one fictional character observed and it is already a very hard road to travel as a child actor there is little, very little, to be gained targeting them.

The writers of the ‘writers room’ are likely to be in the first stages of their careers, struggling with student debt, the high cost of living in LA, and the difficult task of landing any paying gig in Hollywood, refusing an assignment may not have been a viable option for them.

However, the show runner, as of yet unnamed, the person with creative control only checked by the studio and the dictatorial JKR is another matter. That person is likely to be an experience veteran of the business with the financial and career resources to walk away from the series. If they choose to get into bed with JKR, fully aware of the controversies she brings along, then they have made their decision and shouldn’t be surprised when it turns out to be far from popular.

I have read the books and seen the film adaptation and found them enjoyable but flawed. Others have done a fine job pointing out the antisemitic tropes and the ignorant racism in the text so I will not elaborate on that here just beware it is there. I have no need to purchase anything new from the franchise and I am quite happy leaving it behind, the proposed series holds no interest for me and hopefully not for you either.


Bruce Lee, JFK jr., and Trump


A common statement I hear repeated endlessly on political discussions is how the majority of GOP electeds, not the base mind you, are hoping for a Big Mac, or a Heart Attack, or a stroke to remove Trump from the political field by removing him from life. They suffer twin delusions with this fantasy.

The first is that somehow Trump vanishing from the scene would magically return the Republican Party to its state before that grotesque vainglorious buffoon descended that elevator. This ignores the fact that decades of stoking fear and hate created the condition that allowed Trump to seize the party from its establishment. It also ignores the basic truth of the universe, that time flows in one direction and the past is forever lost to us. The GOP today without Trump will carry forward Trump’s stamp. He has remade the party and while it can be remade again it will never be something from the past.

The second delusion is the idea that Trump’s sudden demise would be accepted as factual by his most fanatical supporters.

In July of 1973 actor, athlete, and producer Bruce Lee died. For many this was simply unbearable and rather than accept the simple fact that everyone dies and sometimes death is visited upon the healthy and fir conspiracy theories sprang up and continue to this day.

In July of 1999 JFK jr., son of the slain president, died when the airplane he was piloting suffered ‘controlled flight into terrain.’ The terrain being the Atlantic Ocean. One of the Q-Anon conspiracies is that he did not die, it was a hoax, and that he would return. The fact that so many very right people are holding out hope for a Democratic persona to returned gives evidence to the unhinged nature of conspiracy theories.

Trump’s death would instantly become a new and probably vast conspiracy theory. It may seem far-fetched and beyond reason to many of us but remember this is the population of people who accept that there is a secret cabal of Democrats feasting on infants in the basement of pizza parlors.

Between the lasting effect of Trump’s years at the head of the GOP and the fanatical followers who would not accept his death the party would find itself tethered to Trump ghost far tighter than they ever had been to Reagan’s.


Terrible Days Lay Ahead

Terrible Days Lay Ahead

I have been voting since the 1980 elections and throughout that time there have been those that conflate ‘conservative’ with ‘fascist.’ To be fair it was with equal abandonment that ‘liberal’ was conflated with ‘communist.’ Both conflations were the product of the ‘us’ vs ‘them’ mentality that required political opponents be treated as enemies rather than people with different views, opinion, and premises. A natural consequence is that the weight of those terms evaporated. If everything conservatives, right or wrong, is fascist by sheer frequency of occurrence fascism becomes more commonplace and therefore less terrible.

Now, the fascists that always hid inside conservatism have taken the movement and its devices. This was not a bolt from the blue because of a single presidential candidate or election. This is the result of decades of tolerating hatred, bigotry, and cruelty because it yielded electoral benefits. Eradicating fascism from American political life will be long, arduous, path requiring an unending commitment to its defeat at every level.

Because this is a long war, dark days are coming.  The fascist war on people, currently the focus is on the Transgendered community, but should they win, they will move against their next target, is not a war about any sort of sane policy or principled stand. The fascists, as fascists have always done, are fixated on myth, lies, and a history that never existed. They have created a prior existence and view of the world that is no more real that Camelot’s Court or Wakandan Science.

From 1980 through 2003 I was a registered Republican, though I scarcely agreed with everything the party argued for. (IF you do agree 100% with a political party I seriously doubt that you are critically considering all aspects and are more of an ‘us’ vs ‘them’ mentality.) To me it was clear that the growing authoritarian movement within the GOP was ascendant when they embraced torture of prisoners. A political philosophy capable of torture is capable of any terrible atrocity. The intervening two decades has only strengthened my conviction on this matter.

The fascists are going to win some of the battle ahead. There will be setbacks for liberty and freedom. At times all will seem lost, but we must never stop fighting. Only by thoroughly crushing this poisonous ideology and idolatry can we move forward to a future where everyone can live their true authentic lives.


Concerning Chocolate Factories and Super-Spies



Last month a controversy erupted with the publishers of Roald Dahl’s children’s books announce that new editions of the classic novels were to be released with the language modified for current sensibilities.

It was reported that the changes were guided by sensitivity readers from an organization called Inclusive Minds. Sensitivity readers are people from a community that helps authors and artists to walk the minefield of art that takes place or utilizes communities outside of the author’s personal experiences. Just as with editors sensitivity readers can be a tremendous boon to a work, helping to avoid serious, ignorant, or even hurtful mistakes, but not all sensitivity readers are equal, and some are not up for the tasks for which they have been engaged. This is even more exponentially true when dealing with collectives where individuals may be incentivized to find more and more examples of problematic language or scenes to ‘validate’ their own sensitivity.

Another group if sensitivity readers working for another publisher has recommended changes and deletions to the Bond franchise of novels written by Ian Fleming. Again, this is an attempt to bring these works into accordance with modern sensibilities. These, like Dahl’s writings, are notmodern works. The period is which they were written and published does not, in any manner, excuse their racism or their sexism.

There are those of the period that criticized these works but the works as they were written and published are historical artifacts of what was acceptable at that time. To change them is to lie about what was acceptable, to lie about the history of what became popular, wildly popular. These altered texts, done without the artists input, advice, or consent, are not the texts. They are adaptations fraudulently presented as the texts.

Roald Dahl has been dead for 33 years, and Ian Fleming for 59 years neither man profits from these changes and therein to my eyes lies the real trouble, what we have done to copyright.

The publishers and the estates of these men have the legal right to do whatever they wish with these novels and creations because we have lengthened copyright absurdly. Life of the author plus an additional 70 years means that James Bond doesn’t begin to fall into publics domain for another 11 years and it will be another 37 for Dahl’s works. If both these collections were in the public domain then people who believe in the alterations could produce their editions and other could continue to produce the original texts and both needs could be satisfied, but this insane extension of ownership three generations beyond their creators has distorted everything beyond reason.

I am not defending any of Dhal’s choices, actually I have never read those children’s novels, and I am revulsed that Bond as a character feels that rape has a ‘sweet tang.’ These works have serious issues but serious issues do not vanished by sweeping them out of sight.


GOP: The Dine and Dash Party



Dine and Dash for those who are not aware is the underhanded trick of ordering and eating the food at a dine in restaurant and then leaving without paying the check.

It is also an excellent metaphor concerning the Republican Party and the Debit Limit.

Raising the debt limit is borrowing money, because the United States does not have it on hand, to pay for spending already done.

The spending is the meal at the nice restaurant, good food, a bread plate with bread, and even a dessert that doesn’t involved flambéing your diners. However, when the check arrives it is the GOP, who ordered food and happily ate it, insisting you do all their chores at home, or they will not pay the bill.

Except of course that not raising the debt limit, defaulting on our creditors, is not a minor irritating powerplay by an ass but rather a move that will ignite a global economic crisis.

The US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Anyone anywhere will take US Dollars for payment but that won’t be true if we crash the US and the world’s economy. People will turn elsewhere. The Pound’s time in the sum has passed, the Ruble won’t ascend to that perch, but the Yuan could.

The GOP’s idiocy could not only unleash hell on the US and its citizen’s it could launch the Communist Chinese Century. All because some Baby Boomer Bigots can’t seem to grasp the domination of the WASPs is ending.


The Dangerous Decade Dead Ahead



I believe that we are witnessing the death of the currently constituted ‘conservative’ Republican Party, but that death may take a decade to come into effect and until then we are in grave danger.

There is an old saying that if you are not a liberal when you are twenty you have no heart and not a conversative with you are fifty you have no brain. Now, the saying itself is hogwash, implying that liberalism is for the unintelligent and unwise instead of recognizing that both political philosophies have something to offer and have solutions for pressing problems. That said, there is some truth to it. As people age, they begin to drift away from the politics that utilize higher taxes, care less for educational matters, and have a more ‘good old days’ orientation to social change. This is not the same has today’s GOP with its passion for strongmen, its adoration of violence, its callous disregard for the slaughtered, and its hateful attitudes those not of its ethnic/sexual/social identity. None of this is conservative any more than the Holodomor was liberal.

Political science has identified that the generations aging into their full political are drifting far less to the ‘right’ than their parents and grandparents. The American right is poisoning future voters and leaders turning them away in significant numbers. People who were repeatedly traumatized as children, not only by school shootings on the news, but in practice drills against their own potential massacre, have little patience for the ‘thoughts and prayers’ crowd of the baby boomers. People for whom non-traditional sexual lives, roles, and loves are simply a fact of their friend group have no tolerance for the bigoted hated wielded as a political club. People who entered their careers as the world’s economy burned have no use for the ‘capitalists’ that worshiped ‘greed is good’ and stole their children’s and grandchildren’s wealth. As the grim reaper removes the older generation from its perch of political power conservatism and the GOP will change.

That change is however slow and the wounded dying animal that is the neo-fascist movement of the current GOP will not die peacefully. It will lash out, it will thrash, and we must fight it at every level. There are better political times on the horizon, but we cannot dream of those better days, we must fight and survive to see them. It is said that the long arc of human history bends to justice, that is not correct. Not by itself, we must bend it to justice by the force of our actions, our morals, and our will.


A Beautiful Sentiment


One of the things I learned this year is that the traditional Jewish condolence upon hearing of a person’s passing is “May Their Memory Be A Blessing” which I think is an interesting and beautiful contrast to the more common “Rest in Peace.”

Neither is bad but they have very different focuses.

Rest In Peace is focused on the person who has left the mortal realm. It recognizes that life is rarely peaceful, and that we struggle and work until death’s grip ends that turmoil.

(A darker and wholly unintended interpretation is wanting the person who has died to remain in the friggin’ ground. No Vampirism for you.)

May Their Memory Be A Blessing is centered on the effect the deceased had on the world around them and the friends and loved ones grieving the loss. It speaks to the hope that while life is often red in tooth and claw, we each have the capability to make life better for others. To be the blessing that this tired world so desperately needs. It points us not only towards the blessing the person may have left for others but also the blessings we may still give before out time comes.

I am so enriched to have learned this tiny fragment of another culture this year.


The Collateral Damage in Boycotting The Harry Potter Movies


J.K. Rowling, having proved that her ‘plea for tolerance’ had quite stark limits, had enraged numerous people with comments and opinions on trans people. This has prompted the quite predictable backlash not only against her but the properties that carry her name, principally the Harry Potter Franchise, inspiring fan driven boycotts.

When it comes to the published novels there are very limited financial effects beyond Rowling and her publisher. No one else shares on royalties from each copy sold and so with each copy boycotted one Rowling and publishers suffer a loss, albeit a very tiny one.

The same is not true when it comes to the movies.

Feature films have a much larger number of people who derive continuing financial benefits from each copy sold or rented. In addition to the performers, both the ones catapulted to stardom and those who continue to be working actors, the two screenwriters, four directors, six cinematographers, five editors, five composers, and others are denied residuals with each copy not rented or sold.

Yes, the amount of money per rental or sale is quite small, btu that is true to Rowling as well.

I am not telling you that you should not boycott the Harry Potter movies, or the films of other detestable people, looking at you Polanski, but you should know that those shells are landing on others besides your hated targets. If you boycott, do it informed and aware of everyone effected.


The Senate is Kherson


In the last week Ukrainian forces liberated the city of Kherson from the murderous Russian forces while in the United States the Democratic Party not only retained control of Senate but quite possibly expanded their number, while limiting fascistic GOPers to very limited gains within the House of Representatives.

Yes, I am drawing a direct and clear parallel between the Russian butchery in Ukraine and the attempts to end American Democracy. If this upsets someone, I don’t care. American Democracy is far from perfect but by the blood, toil, and death of patriots it has expanded until the current incarnation of the Republican party devoted itself to self-serving sanctimonious power over liberty. American Democracy is something I will defend unlike those lying false pretenders.

The liberation of Kherson is not the end of the Ukrainian war, it is like Operation Torch in the European theater but one step closer to that victory, not the victory itself. And the same with the election. The Senate was saved and the House crippled but the war wages on, Berlin lies ahead for our democratic army not behind us.

The Japanese Emperor surrendered his nation and saved his people from a devastating invasion and from incalculable death while the mad men of Nazi Germany clung to their evil dreams and destroyed their nation. So, it will be with the Modern Republican party. The evil men now with their rigor mortis clenched fingers on the tiller will not surrender their controls, they will not save their people but rather insist that sacrifice everything to save the leaders’ precious bank accounts. This is an electoral war of destruction and until the GOP is burned to the ground and rebuilt it will go on.


My 2024-2025 Nightmare Scenario


A disaster in 2025 is possibly being laide next week here in 2022. Next week throughout the country vital positions in government are being contested by conspiracy-minded election deniers. Should they win offices in enough future battle groups states then they will be able to subvert our constitutional republic in the presidential elections of 2024.

It will not take many victories to place into vital offices, such as various Secretaries of State to make it possible for these antidemocratic Republicans to either submit a slate of electors of their own choosing or simply submit none at all. Either way with the battleground states at the tipping point thy would be able to install a wholly illegitimate Republican president, one that is very likely to be again Trump.

We would begin 2025 with a president who not only lost the popular votes but only by corrupt means installed into office. The souther enslaving states declared their secession from the Union because Lincoln won the presidency without a single Southern electoral vote but the election itself was seen as legitimate. The election and installing of an illegitimate president will be a magnitude worse.

When this corrupt presidency issues executive orders and action what will be the reaction of the deep blue Democratic states? Will California, Oregon, Washington, New York, and others ‘bend the knee’ to the white house?

I doubt it.

Will they honor the Supreme Court when its social conservative majority rules against them?

I doubt it.

There you have the shattering of our Constitutional Republic.

There you have the end of the Union.

Next Tuesday the future is in your hands, choose wisely.
