Category Archives: Books

No Two Books Get Written the Same Way

Mind you that title isn’t referring to no two authors write their books the same way I am talking about that as an author myself each book follows its own unique process from concept to manuscript.

My editor recently told me that he’d like to see material that is closer in tone to Vulcan’s Forge than the military SF adventure I recently showed to him. I’m good with that, after all I did write Vulcan’s Forge and I understand the wisdom of keep a stylistic and tone consistency to help build a readership. So, I responded with a few ideas that had been bouncing around my head and he came back indicating which one at this point interested him the most.

Now, I’m drafting the outline for this book using my typical five act structure as a framework. Her, it is was good enough for old Bill Shakespeare it’s good enough for me.

As is typical for me the very act of outlining, in even the basic form, expands and deepens my concepts turning vague ideas into concrete story and plot elements.

But, it’s not the same process I used on other books. Sometimes I just write out a long prose document telling the basic story from front to back, leaving spots that I know are too thin that I will have to work out later. Sometimes I craft careful character studies and maps first and then start the outlining, and this time it’s numbered bulleted points for act of the five acts with a separate character files that grows as I explore the story and structure.

The point is when you attend a con or a writing workshop and someone tells you from on high that this is the ‘one way’ to write a story know that what they are passing is bunk. There isn’t one way for different writers and not even for the same writer. Experiment, investigate, and discover the way that works for you for the project at hand.



A Prolog and Chapter One Are Not Interchangeable

I’ve started reading a new novel, no I am not going to name the book because as this is not a review site I only name titles when I love the work, and I am concerned about how the whole thing has started.

This novel opened with Chapter One and spent about 12,000 words on a set of characters that I realize we are unlikely to ever see again. The event of those pages clearly was important to the plot that unfolds in the rest of the story and set up many crucial details that I can see the author intends to use through the adventure. However, since none of our principal characters are around in these scenes this feel terribly like a prolog to me and not the opening chapter of a story.

I may have spent 12,000 words getting to know characters, understanding their emotional lives, and concerned about the troubles they face, but now all that emotional investment feels wasted.

This is related to the troubles with stories that end with ‘it was all a dream’ an its variations or sequels that undo all the emotional stakes from previous installments. (I’m looking at your Alien 3.)

Ideally when people engage with your fiction, by reading, listening, or viewing, they should become emotionally invested in the characters and the outcomes of their struggles. The resolution of the story and the plot and the return on that investment with catharsis or pathos being the final reward. When it ends as a dream then it’s like that check bounced and we’re left with nothing for the emotional currency we’ve spent. The check has bounced. In the case of Alien 3 after we’ve come to really care about Newt and Hicks in Aliens and desperately wanting for Ripley to save them both the sequel comes along and repossesses out victory making us into suckers for caring.

This novel has pulled me into these characters lives and now has waved a hand and said, ‘Don’t think about them anymore. Here’s new people to get emotional about.’ But I’m now burned and I am more likely to keep my emotional distance wary of the author is going to again steal characters away. Had this been labeled a prolog I would have been emotionally ready to learn things but not become attached. The poor doomed rangers at the start of A Song of Fire and Iceare not our main characters and telling us that it is a prolog allowed us as the readers to learn the vital information their story needed to tell us without playing us for suckers.


The First Negative Review Has Arrived

Wednesday evening just before I slipped off to bed, I got a Google alert of a new review of Vulcan’s Forge. Yes, I have an alert set up over at Google to keep me informed of when people post things about my debut novel. The review came from a person in the United Kingdom which makes sense as the publisher is a UK entity.

It was my first unqualified negative review.

I say ‘negative’ and not ‘bad’ because I do not want there to be the slightest suggestion that I imply that the review itself is poor. As I have said often in my writers group meetings no honest critique or review can be wrong. It is how that person reacted to that piece on that day. It is the underlying assumption upon which is build the critique phrase ‘Your mileage may vary.’ What is wonderful for one person is terrible to another.

How did I react to my first truly ‘I did not like this book’ review?


It is part of the gig. Now, I am not suggesting that anyone else is wrong is they feeling more strongly when that get a negative review. Authors are people and people differ wildly but for me I can accept that someone really did not like by work and not feel any real emotional distress. If fact I read the review and then went off to bed and slept quite well.

If it didn’t matter to me then why did I read the review? why seek them out?

Well, taking criticism is a skill and it requires practice. It’s good to get hit and learnt that you do survive it.

I’m also curious. It is fascinating to see the wildly different interpretations people have about the work. This applies to positive reviews as well as negative ones. Everyone bring their own lenses to their reading and so the exact same text will never be interpreted the same way by any two people. I love seeing the various internal codebooks through which this is deciphered. (Of course, I bring my own to the reading of these reviews and not matter how diligently I try I can never fully escape them, but still I do try.)

Perhaps for other it is very good advice to never read reviews but for me it is a fascinating glimpse into the inner working of another person’s mind.


The Blog Tour’s Final Stop

The final stop on the blog tour for Vulcan’s Forge happened yesterday March 29th with Jessica Belmont. She apologized for being a day late but hell, in these hectic, crazy, and frankly frightening times a date getting slipped is fully understandable. The pull quote from here review that I am using is:

Tension, intrigue, and action galore, Vulcan’s Forge was a compelling read

It has been very gratifying watching the response come in from the blog tour. The book has gathered responses from enjoyable to enthusiastic with none of the reviewers giving it bad marks or savaging the piece. That will come. It will eventually gain dreaded 1-star reviews at Amazon, Goodreads, and other places but that is how things should be. Nothing is a good fit for everyone.

This has been a long road to publication and it’s been surprising that it was my odd little SF-Noir that was the first novel to cross the finish line. This is an example of how you should not self-reject. I wrote this book for myself, first. It was what I wanted from a science-fiction noir but I wasn’t certain that others clamored for the same thing. I didn’t write this to the market and I think because of that it found its success.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the blog tour, to those who pre-ordered and have ordered the novel in these dark times you’ve given me a ray of warming sunlight.



Publication Day Plus 1

The Blog Tour for Vulcan’s Forge continues at Scintilla. My pull quote from this review is:

Robert Mitchell Evans manages to create a world that is both a caricature and frighteningly believable. 

As they stream in it has been interesting to read the reviews of the novel. I know there is a great deal of advices suggesting that authors should not read reviews. After all reviews are for readers, to help them find the next book to add to their ‘to be read’ pile and not for feedback to the authors and there is a truth in that. Find reviewer whose taste matches closely with your own and use their information to help you find the next thing you’ll fall in love with. For author negative reviews can be emotionally crippling, or so I am told. Perhaps it is because I am coming to professional publication later in life but I find I can hold negative reviews and feedback at a personal distance. So far no one has hated the book but they will change it simply is the nature of the beast.

However, I am enjoying reading the reviews. It is fascinating to see all the various lens and interpretations that get applied to the text. In my writing group I am fond of saying that no honest critique can be wrong. It is how that person, on that day, reacted to that piece of work. Sometimes people see what is there more clearly than the author and other times what they see says much more about themselves and their worldview that it does about the words on the page. None of that is inherently right or wrong it is how people function. I can know my intention in writing a piece, or in a bit of world building but I too have lens and filters through which I interpret the world and that impacts on my world building in ways that may be invisible to me. So, some of these reviews might even open interpretation that I agree with but never considered because the very premises were obscured from me.

I hope that when the inevitable terrible review rolls in I will react the way I suspect I will. I have always been that sort of person for whom a professional rejection carries little emotional weight. The rejection slip doesn’t trigger imposter syndrome or send me spiraling into self-doubt and depression. My reaction to rejection slips has always been, ‘okay, not for them’ and sending the piece on to the next editor. We shall see if I feel the same way once the first 1-star reviews start appearing on Amazon.


Publication Day Is Here!

Today is the day. You can now buy Vulcan’s Forge online and at your local booksellers, that is if you live in an area where the shops are open. California has been under a stay at home order since last week but my local favorite bookstore, Mysterious Galaxy, is staking order online and yours might be as well.

It has been a long and twisty road to this day. It started years ago when I decided that I wanted to write a science-fiction noir that didn’t rely on the private eye or police detective plots. And there I stalled for quite a while grinding the gears of my mental transmission searching for the plot and characters of the story.

One thing that consumed more time in my gear grinder than other elements was the search for a McGuffin. Hitchcock coined the term McGuffin referring to the thing that everyone wants in a plot to drive the action of the story, think the bejeweled statue in The Maltese Falcon or the NOC list from the first Mission Impossible movie. Borrowing the wider universe from an unpublished novel of mine I finally worked out the McGuffin and then the characters and story fell into place.

With that I sat down and write Vulcan’s Forge as a 15,000-word novella that did not work.

All the core elements of the story were there but far too compressed lacking the sense of building disaster that I think is one of the central elements to noir fiction. The story had to be a full novel.

So, then I planned on writing a short 60,000-word novel that I expected to self-publish as SF books of that length haven’t really been in fashion since the 60s. However, I overshot that mark and landed at 80,000 words a much more traditional, if a bit on the short side, for novels today.

Once the manuscript was finished, survived it beta-read, I sent it to my then agent where it languished unread until our partnership dissolved and he no longer represented me.

One my own I searched publishers for someone who might be interested in this odd mix of science-fiction and noir and discovered the wonderful people at Flametree. I submitted it, they made an offer, we negotiated, and now the book is out in the world.

Flametree has been wonderful to work with. From the editorial through the promotional processes I have had nothing but good experiences with these people.

Looking back on the trials and tribulations this novel faced to reach publication all I can say is ‘Never Give Up, Never Surrender.’



1 Day Until Release and The Crush of a Deadline

Tomorrow Vulcan’s Forge will be released upon an unsuspecting public. Today’s blog tour stop was Miss Known’s blog and book review site. Let us all give thanks to book bloggers getting the word out there and help authors connect with readers. The pull quote I am taking away from this review is:

There was so much happening, it made me forget that this was a sci-fi book.”

In addition to traditionally publishing novels one of my goals has been to win The Writers of the Future contest. WotF is a quarterly contest with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners each quarter, then at the conclusion of the contest year the 12 winners are brought together for a week of instruction lead by one of my favorite authors, Tim Powers. The contest does not disclose how many submissions it gets but it is known to be in the thousand each quarter and to date my best placement has been as a finalist, one of the top eight from which the winning three are selected.

Eligibility is restricted to writers who have not been professionally published and that means I lose my eligibility to enter the contest tomorrow with the publication of Vulcan’s Forge.

I have a story in progress the question is; Can I finish it before midnight tonight?

It will be an effort but I am going to try.


2 Days Until Release and Satanic Panic

My science-fiction noir mash-up of a novel Vulcan’s Forge will be published the day after tomorrow. I will be taking Thursday off from work to spend time online interacting and promoting the book.

Sunday Night after a year of waiting my sweetie-wife and I finally got to see the horror comedy Satanic Panic on the streaming services Shudder.

I first heard about Satanic Panic last year when it played the opening night at 2019’s Horrible Imaginings Film Festival but due that night being a holiday and my low seniority at my day job I was unable to get the day of and drive to Orange county. I made the rest of the festival, saw great films, made new friends, but I also regretted I could not see the opening night feature. Last week the movie came to Shudder and it was our weekend movie.

Satanic Panic, directed by Chelsea Stardust and written by Grady Hendrix is about Sam, a young woman who has taken a job as a pizza delivery person working for sub-minimum wages and tips. Taking a delivery to the wealthy side of town instead of a generous tip Sam finds herself captive to a satanic cult with plans for a human sacrifice. With over the top gore and broad characters Satanic Panic is a satire in the manner that The Hunt failed to be with a point of view and something to say about class divides in America.

Not for the squeamish and while avoiding the Lucio Fulci perchance for things going into people’s eyes, though not by much, Satanic Panic is not for everyone but those who enjoy practical gore effects with social commentary this film should find its mark.



3 Days Until Release and The Blog Tour Begins

This Thursday Vulcan’s Forge will be available from all your usual and favorite booksellers and as of today the link for the e-book went live.

The publisher, Flametree Press, organizes a week of book bloggers reviews the book around each book’s publications date and today my blog tour kicked off with a review at The Bookwormery.

Here’s my pull quote from the review but read the entire thing yourself.

Wow…..the world building in Vulcan’s Forge is just so well done, the feeling of almost claustrophobic tension is felt throughout. 

In other news my sweetie-wife and I are handling the shelter in place order imposed on California rather well. We get along fabulously, part of why we’re married and all that, and we each have plenty of activities to keep us engaged. Her employer has instituted a work from home policy while I continue to go into the office at my day job, but the office staff is reduced there as many are being sent to work from home as well. A few others and I have volunteered to maintain the critical office roles for as long as possible. I am fortunate to have a job that is critical to helping people get medical care so not only do I still have work and pay but I am also helping people directly during this crisis.


4 Days until Release & Game Review: Thanos Rising

The novel Vulcan’s Forge will be unleased upon a world clamming for reading material in just 4 more days.


My sweetie-wife and I enjoy a good board game and last week I finally got a copy of a game that I had only played at conventions, Thanos Rising: Infinity Wara media tie-in game associated with Avengers: Infinity War.

Thanos Rising a cooperative game for 2 to 4 players who take on the roles of various teams of heroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in their bid to prevent the mad Titan Thanos from acquiring all six Infinity Stones and destroying half of all life in the universe.

Each turn a player rolls dice and assigns them towards heroes to recruit onto their team or to villains to damage and eventually eliminate. The players win if they eliminate 7 villains from Thanos’ forces while Thanos has three paths to victory.

  • acquire all six Infinity Stones.
  • eliminate an entire hero (player’s) team
  • eliminate 10 or more heroes

Media tie-in games have a terrible reputation as games that are poorly thought out, designed, and generally as cheap cash grabs riding the tails of something else’s greater popularity but that is not the case with Thanos Rising.this game is well balanced and challenging to play. My group of experiences board gamers is currently running a success rate of about 50% playing the game without enhancing its difficulty at all. All in all, this is a fun game and one that is well worth acquiring.
