A PTSD Presidency


I have little sympathy for Donald Trump but ‘little’ reveals that there is some.

Last month a gunman nearly murdered/assassinated Trump at an outdoor rally. This was a colossal failure of the Secret Service and while whatever physical wounds Trump suffered appear to be quite minor, only due to the luckiest of circumstances, emotional wounds could be seriously more impactful.

Nearly being killed, even in totally accidental circumstances, can instigate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and having another person intentionally set out to murder you I believe radically increases the probability of developing PTSD.

In the weeks that have followed the attempted assassination Trump’s campaign has held few public events and the candidate himself has traveled little from his home in Florida. This could be due to the disruption of their campaign strategy with Harris replacing Biden as the most likely election opponent. It could also be a sign that the man is being weighed down by mental and emotional issues created by his near-death experience.

I have documented several times on this blog that I want Trump and the entire GOP defeated. Ideally, they would lose at ever level of governance, but I know that is not going to happen.

I also wish that Trump would get professional help for whatever emotional troubles have been created by the attempt on his life.

He won’t.

His idiotic obsession with ‘strength,’ his quite limited intellectual capacity, and the probably undiagnosed malignant narcissism precludes the possibility that he could submit to any form of treatment.

Trump may be suffering deep and possibly debilitating emotional pain and for that he does have some sympathy from me.
