Biden is Out


In a surprising and ultimately selfless political move President Biden as renounced his intention to be the Democratic Party’s Nominee this November.

No person rises to with reach of the office of President of the United States without possessing a hefty ego and Biden is no exception. Candidates on a glid path to electoral defeat typically remain in the race hoping and delusionally believing that some fantastic twist of fate will win the prize and that bowing out only ensures defeat.

But that is for normal election against normal opponents.  Despite what every election cycle insists most elections are about government at the margins. Tax rates may rise or fall, regulations may tighten or loosen, now programs may start or old ones end but the nature of the American experiment remains the same.

Not this time.

Trump and his cronies have already demonstrated in deed and word that they have nothing but contempt for our democratic way of life. Trump led an attempt to overthrow a valid, free, and fair election and steal the office of President. His Vice Presidential pick has publicly stated that the President should simply ignore the rulings of the Supreme Court and impose the president’s will as that person desires.

The fate of our democracy is as stake in this election and Biden, in a move that is beyond Trump comprehension, understood this. Biden’s ego may have screamed for him to stay in the contest but his understanding of what was at risk proved the greater motivation. He understood that if he lost the nation lost and stood aside to let another carry on the fight he had won the first bout of in 2020.

That is real patriotism and not the false self-serving corrupt thieving that the GOP offers in their lies.
