Godzilla vs Kong


Using our HBOMax account we watched the latest installment of the monster-verse franchise Godzilla vs Kong which follows the films Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island. I thoroughly enjoyed Kong: Skull Island but Godzilla: King of The Monsters didn’t work for me, too overstuffed with different monsters it lacked a clean plot and simply rushed from monster to monster without enough connecting plot tissue to create any real stakes.

I’m happy to say that Godzilla vs Kong is a much better and much more enjoyable film. The movies had just enough human centric story to give the audience something to emotionally lean into without forgetting that we’re there to watch two massive kaijuengage in epic battles.

The film follows two intersecting plotlines. First Godzilla, formerly seen as a protector of the earth from other titans (kaiju) has without cause and mysteriously begun attacking human cities and installations. Second, a shadowy technological company Apex is attempting to penetrate into the monster-verse’s ‘hollow earth’ to obtain a new energy source and believes that Kong is the key to finding the path into the planet’s interior. The problem is that as natural enemies and possessing a sixth sense for each other’s presence Kong’s movement attracts Godzilla prompting battle. Each plotline has its associated humans trying to achieve their missions while unraveling the mysteries that they discover until everything converges for a massive battle in neon accented Hong Kong.

There are secrets revealed, not so hidden villains exposed and in general a massive amount of damage inflicted but overall, this was a fun movie of kaiju duking it out. It is what it says on the tin, ‘Godzilla vs Kong.”


One thought on “Godzilla vs Kong

  1. joyce

    As you can imagine, I had to first rewatch Gojira, then the 2014 Godzilla, then Kong Skull Island then Godzilla v Kong. I had a very enjoyable Sunday.

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