The Unused Gun

The Unused Gun

I am on twitter but not gifted with prose that is pithy or witty my tweets die lonely deaths in the vastness of the internet. That’s fine. I read and share a number of great tweets and threads so I get value from it.

Yesterday in response to C.C. Finlay’s tweet about Game of Thrones and how the ending was so botched it made him indifferent to re-watching the series I answered with a couple of tweets one of which actually got engagement- shocking.

In writing there is the concept of Chekov’s Gun, it had nothing to do with the fiery is miseducated officer of the Enterprise but rather the Russian playwright who advised that if there is a gun on the mantle in first act it must be fired by the third.

In Game of Thrones a great deal of narrative time and energy was consumed having young Arya Stark but one of the faceless men, assassins able to take on the appearance of others in order to complete their missions. The audience followed Arya through trials, tribulations, and near death as she acquired these skills. This is the gun on the mantel.

And yet at the end of the series this mystical ability played no part in the resolving of any major plot element. yes, it allowed Arya to get revenge on people and Houses that had wronged and betrayed her family but in the central plotlines of ‘Who will Rule Westeros?’ or ‘How will the Threat from the North Be overcome?’ the years training and leaning this talent proved worthless.

In their mad rush to complete the series the show runners trampled one of the most quoted and most valued pieces of writing advice and the gun stayed on the mantel.
