It is Okay to be Non-Productive

Perhaps this post is for myself more than it is for others but it is okay to be stalled and uncreative during this crisis.

A lot of people have been facing forced idle time as the pandemic shuttered their businesses, their schools, and their recreation and for the creative among them there has been a sense that this time at home should have been a time of productive expression.

That feeling is a false one and ignore a critical component of the creative processes, the artists mental health and well-being.

These are incredibly stressful times. A lethal disease is sweeping the world and if you live the United States of America the situation is made worse by Federally led bungling incompetence. Too many of us are vulnerable to the virus, too many of us have preexisting conditions to ignorantly approach this disease with careless caution and too many of us have already watched loved one die. This is not an environment for fruitful speculation and creativity.

If you are finding your creativity, that is good. Heaven knows that some of the inspiring, emotional, and comedic creations have helped many through these dark trials but that sort of creativity under pressure is an except not the norm.

My productivity as a writer has been nearly zero, and my day to day life has remained mostly unchanged. I have a day job that I still leave home to work so stifling cabin fever has not been one of my issues. But I have loved ones in this disease’s path and one who has been taken far too soon. I’ve found, aside from some large-scale plot concepts and one of those I really love, I haven’t been able to write and that’s okay.

It’s okay that much of my free time has been with movies, sessions of Call of Duty WWII, and puzzling out spreadsheet to making running my Space Opera RPG easier.

Be good to yourself and know that these times will pass.
