It’s really not the novel itself. It’s not plotting out the twists and turns of the story or combing through the entire 90,000 words trying make sure you don’t look like some who failed basic English.
Nope. It is none of those things for me.
It is writing the god damned synopsis.
I’ve spent six months carefully working out line by line precisely what the story is, who the characters are, what the twists and reveals need to be, and hopefully crafting a tone that is engaging and provokes the emotions I want to reader to experience. Now, I have to find a way to convey all that in just a few pages and yet engaging enough that an agent or editor when they read it feel energized and want the full experience.
Can you tell that’s where I am at on The Commune? I have my query letter in place for the next cycle of agent stalking and I think it’s my best one yet but the synopsis? Man, that’s hard.