Daily Archives: October 23, 2024

I am Falling Behind


The writing of my folk/cosmic horror has fallen a little behind the schedule. Just 3 or 4 thousand words shy of where I want to be by the end of October. Still, the novel might be completed by the end of the calendar year, particularly if it ends up between 80k and 90k words.

Right now, I am at the most challenging part of my novel writing process. I am more than halfway through the first draft and the sensation that I haven’t a clue how to make the whole piece work is quite strong. This mid-plot doldrum and uncertainty occurs even with a carefully outlined book and seems more intense with this work which I am writing without the safety net of a prepared outline.

Still, there are aspect of this manuscript that have me very happy. My three point of view characters have strong distinct voices, and I have confidence in the material even if I don’t have that for myself.

This weekend is likely to be rejuvenating for me. We have a small local convention to lift my spirits and on Monday I am driving to Hollywood to see Quatermass and the Pit one of my favorite films projected from a technicolor print.
