Retro Review: The Lieutenant “To Set it Right”


Before Gene Roddenberry transformed his life and our world with the series Star Trek he produced and ran a series about a green Marine second lieutenant commanding a platoon at Camp Pendleton California called The Lieutenant.

Staring Gary Lockwood, who Gene would employ to play Mitchell in Trek’s second pilot, 2nd Lieutenant William Tiberius Rice is an educated and idealistic young officer learning the rope of command from his superior Captain Rambridge, (Robert Vaughn.)

NBC Publicity Photo

I watched episode 21 of the show’s only season, to Set it Right, dealing with racial conflicts with the platoon. When a new private, Cameron (Don Marshall) arrives at the base he instantly attacks Corporal Devlin (Dennis Hopper) recognizing Devlin as part of a gang that beat him in a racially motivated attack years earlier. Rice requests permission from Rambridge to keep both men in his platoon as Rice wants to learn how to solve this sort of issue.

While keeping an eye on language that would be acceptable to Standards and Practices the episode, written by Lee Erwin, is fairly honest and direct in its approach to racism. Both characters are presented as flawed and twisted by racism, Devlin for it practice and Cameron by the anger flamed through years of injustice. Cameron’s anger rarely lets him have a moment’s peace even poisoning his relationship with his fiancé Norma (Nichelle Nichols.)

To Set it Right ends on a hopeful and optimistic note that, following the intensity of the preceding pages, struck me a forced and unrealistic. The characters of Devlin and Cameron had transformed too much for such a brief time.

The episode also guest starred the classic western actor Woody Strode as a sergeant of the platoon who attempts to calm Cameron’s hostile nature.

This episode has several ties to Roddenberry’s next series Star Trek. In addition to Lockwood and Nichols, Don Marshal would return for an episode as Boma in The Galileo Seven and the episode’s director Vincent McEveety would helm six episodes of Trek including Balance of Terror.

Episodes of The Lieutenant can be found on YouTube.


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