A Few Quick Thoughts about the Looney Idea that Trump Staged his Assassination Attempt

Conspiracy theories are seductive. The promise a world of ordered reason and with easy explanations but the world is a vast messy chaotic place with events often having no direct reason.

In the wake of the attempt on Trump’s life a number of people cling to the idea, a foolish one, that this was some orchestrated and staged event to bolster Trump’s electoral chances.

First off, he got very little in term of gained ground electorally from the event. So as a plot to gain sympathy it failed. But moreover, it simply was not a staged event.

Fact: real bullets were fired at the event.

Fact: real people died due to those bullets.

Fact: counter Snipers killed the shooter.

For this to be a staged event you must believe the following assertions to be true.

Trump possessed the emotional and physical courage to stand down range and let someone shoot close to him. Nothing is his biography indicates that he possesses anything approaching such will power.

That Trump stood down range, knowing shots were going to be fired, and perform perfectly naturally. We have seen the man ‘act’ he has no talent for it.

That the shooter, knowing that counter snipers would engage, was perfectly willing to lie there and be killed and yet leave no trace of his devotion to Trump for anyone to find.

That the collection of people around Trump, known for their inability to keep from talking to people on background, managed to secure this secret with perfect cohesion.

That these same people are perfectly willing to be under the threat of murder charges for Trump.

This simply is beyond the bounds a reasonableness. A conspiracy of such magnitude and managerial perfection is simply inconsistent with everything we know about Trump and the people that surround him.


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