Daily Archives: August 15, 2024

A Third Done but What’s My Destination?


So, my folk horror novel just passed 30,000 words and I am expecting the beast to land at a slim 90 thousand. At one third drafted what kind of mood am I am?

Well, a little befuddled to be honest. This novel is cruising but I can’t be certain that it is on the right course. I outlined the first act and that went fairly well, I partially outlined the second, which is just now wrapping up and I am pleased, intrigued but also uncertain.

I have a grasp of the core elements that the third and fourth acts require and only a vague notion of precisely where I want to end up.

It is that last elements that has me the most ‘lost at sea.’ My conception of the ending is far more hazy than any other novel I have written, much less the mechanic of how it all works out. My previous novel dealing with werewolves I had a very solid idea of the final state for the characters and only needed to path to get them there. Here I still need it to be revealed to me.
