Not My Best Weekend


This past weekend, which was an extended weekend for many here in the US but not for myself, was not as fun as I had hoped.

Originally, I was scheduled to run my Tabletop Role-playing Game of Space Opera for my friends and since that is the only time I see most of them I was quite looking forward to it.

However, this week, even with a holiday on Thursday, proved to be more stressful than I anticipated. A trip to the dermatologist to have a very small mole removed left lingering questions that gnawed at my subconscious.

By Saturday cycling migraine headaches arrived. None were very intense, but they would appear, disrupt my thinking and then recede only to return a couple of hours later. Too discombobulated to think clearly and with the prospect of a couple of hours with headphones on, the game is held over zoom, I was forced to cancel the session.

The headaches continued into Sunday, but I managed to keep my Sunday schedule of walking in the San Diego Zoo with my sweetie-wife, though the humidity made the experience quite a sticky one.

I also received another ‘pass’ from an agent I had queried to represent my werewolf novel. The rejection included a very brief reason. Normally any response beyond a canned form email is reason to be encouraged. Not this time.

Their specific issue, and granted this is just one person’s opinion, is that the sample was too ‘tell not show’ and felt overly expository. This stung because I have always felt that showing not telling and deftly handling exposition were part of my strong suits as a writer.

Ah well, the new week is starting and I shall raise my hopes once again.
