Daily Archives: July 2, 2024

There Are No Norms


I have not written on the American Political disaster that unfolds about us recently not because it is unimportant or that I do not care but because in my heart I knew such writing to be futile. There are very very few my words may sway in even the smallest of measures. For the most part people are cemented into their camps and only November thru January will let us know if this ship of democracy founders or survives this tempest.

After yesterday’s SCOUTUS corrupt ruling I have to at least make some attempt, I have to speak the truth as I see it.

This heavily politized courts finds that people have no right to bodily autonomy because the words are not in the document but amazingly finds full and partial immunity to commit crimes for the nation’s highest ranking law enforcement officer. If Trump is returned to the Oval Office this petty, ignorant, vengeful man will turn the full power of the Federal government upon his enemies. He will order the IRS to audit, investigate, and harass the wealthy who spoke out against him. The FBI and the DOJ stripped of independence will be hounds sicked on political and personal enemies. The Office of the President will be for sale to those who enrich Trum personally. Hey, you want that carried interest loophole expanded? Well, he won’t sign the bill, the very definition of an ‘official act’ until you make the requisite deposit to his bank account. This vile greedy and hateful man has no loyalty, no patriotism and this country’s enemies around the globe know this fact.

Make no mistake in reading the decision neutrally. This partisan court which has already decided that stare decisis is for sucker and that have twisted and invented new interpretations to achieve their desired outcome will in no manner apply such reasoning for any democratic politician. This immunity is for one Republican at that solely.

We have but one path forward to save our Republic. We must vote Democratic at every level. We must give the majorities in both houses to the Democratic Party and ensure that a Democratic person holds the Oval Office. The ‘norms’ are gone and with that power the Democrats must jettison the filibuster and reform the court. If that is not done this election this cycle we may very well be doomed.
