Daily Archives: June 10, 2024

Better but Not Yet Whole Again


So, this damnable cough that I developed following my bout of COVID-19 remains with me, albeit less intensely than before.

The new therapy has lessened the severity and number of attacks but hasn’t eliminated them.

My endurance in talking has increased and for two weeks running I was able to game master my Space Opera Role Playing Game but with a limited endurance. After about two hours the cough returns with enough force to compel me to stop the game. My players seem satisfied to go on with short runs so the game will continue.

On the writing side I am quite energized by the coming folk horror novel I am going to attempt. There are some issues here and there. Given the nature of the commune the setting limits the diversity of the characters more than I typically like but I think I can find a way to bend this to my theme so it pays off rather than hinders the project.

I am still at an utter loss for a title but that may come as I write it.
