The recent solar storms with their massive CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) produced auroras that were visible in 49 of the 50 states. San Diego was high enough in latitude that the lights should have been visible here.
Low clouds came in throughout the weekend and anyone on or near the coast lost all access to the night sky. To see the shimmer elusive lights in this area would have required a drive east into the less populated regions of the county, avoiding the light pollution of modern lift, and escaping mother nature’s ill-timed blanket of clouds.
Alas the cough that has deviled me since late January has yet to be broken by modern science and I simply did not want to drive for an hour or more only to be incapacitated by chilly air induced coughing.
So, the lovely northern lights I did not see. Even with that bit of bad luck I am not depressed or saddened. I have a new novel concept that is coming together, I had a nice celebration with my sweetie-wife for my birthday and we are enjoying a rewatch of the fantastic film Dune: Part 2.
Best of all no rejections from agents or publishers arrive on my birthday.