The Appeal of Incompetent Art


Recently on a bonus episode of the podcast The Evolution of Horror the host asked his guests which film was worse, Exorcist II: The Heretic or the often proclaimed ‘worst film of all time’ Plan 9 from Outer Space. Both on the show and on the Facebook page where the discussion has widened to listeners of the podcast the opinion runs pretty one sided in favor of Plan 9 being the ‘better’ movie.

Plan 9, while universally recognized as a film assembled by people with incompetent craft skills, has following and holds a special place in the hearts of numerous people who, while admitting all of the movie’s flaws, still enjoy watching the cinematic trainwreck. hardly anyone feels that way about Exorcist II a studio commanded sequel that while technically competent is often forgotten when conversation turns to its legendary predecessor.

Plan 9 is far from the only incompetent film to develop some sort of following; the whole concept of the ‘cult’ movie is usually predicated on a film that not only failed at the box office but usually displays the poor craftsmanship of its creatives. And yet these movies find their ways into people’s hearts. Why?

I think it is because while not skilled enough to execute the visions in their hearts, the creatives of the incompetent films loved them, believed in them, and their passion for the projects is sometimes captured on that film and it is that uncynical faith that calls out to others.

Earnestness applied too heavily becomes cynicism which in many cases is repellant but originating from love begats more love. That is the heart of the cult movie and why studio attempts to craft a cult film fail. A studio cannot love only creatives and the people who hear them can.
