Daily Archives: September 19, 2023

This and That


There were no posts on this blog last week because I took a week off to do nearly nothing. The busy time for my day-job is fast approaching, the team I work with had lost several members since the last Annual Enrollment Period for Medicare Advantage plans that bodes for loads of work & overtime, and I decided on a staycation at home before the flood hits.

I did work on my werewolf novel. The book has now passed 50,000 words and I suspect that there are about 35,000 left before I complete the first draft. It has been an interesting experiment and experience writing a novel without an outline. I did take a moment after a couple of chapters at the start to jot down on a single page the five-act structure and possible major events in each act, but even that thin plan had been altered as the story has progressed and characters appeared and influenced those around them. Because there was not much, or any, planning and plotting prior to prose production I am finding that there are a few elements that will require corrections. For example, my fictional county ‘Wallace Point’ will have to move further north in Idaho and that will alter the reference to the surrounding counties and towns. Still, I am quite happy with the results so far.
