37 Counts


It is hardly shocking, surprising, or even unanticipated but thoroughly unprecedented that the former president and leading Republican candidate for that office has been charged with 37 serious criminal felonies.

Nor it is it unexpected that scrums of Republican pols flock like birds to his defense. Oh, there are a few, very few, willing to mouth some platitudes that these charges are serious, but their protestations are the elaborations of bad liars.

There are voices speaking out from beyond the party in hopes that this time the fever will break that this time things will be different. They insist that these are serious charges, that the evidence is too solid, the facts too damning for the former guy’s support to remain intact. And in my head a tiny voice from a fantastic film answers them.

The Republican party, the one built over decades of poisonous politics, insisting that anything to their left was complete and utter communism, the party that invited, welcomed, and nurtured bigots under the delusion that they could safely harvest their votes with ever actually granting them power, has been utterly captured by these illiberal anti-democratic forces and I do not see that ending for a decade.

Today Trump is to be arraigned but with only the most modest of legal actions this will be dragged out beyond the election. There will be no trial before November of next year unless Trump is his unmatched idiocy allows it. The future of our nation and the world’s rational order is at stake. It is up to us to save it.
