Daily Archives: March 10, 2021

Migraines Suck


For whatever reasons the last few days, since Sunday, I have been enduring a spat of smallish migraines. This forced me to bail on my twice monthly writers’ groups meeting and has hampered but not stopped the revisions and edits to my next novel.

I have been making it out the door each day to my day-job but in the evening it’s difficult to get more than the bare minimum work done on my writing.

My meds work and will usually dispatch the headache but sadly they leave me feeling ‘off,’ and with my scalp tight as though it is two sizes too small for my head.

All that said I am still pleased with the new novel and have high hopes of getting it out the door soon to editors and agents.

The pandemic smashed my debut last year, turns out have your novel published the week the world shuts down is not so good for sales, but in the scheme of things I have done so much better than so many that it would be quite petty to complain.

Here’s hoping everyone’s days get better.

