Pedestals Are for Things Not People


With the flood of new support for Charisma Carpenter and Ray Fisher as they recount abusive and toxic environments on sets under the control of Joss Whedon it is important to remember that any artistic creator no matter how beloved their work are fallible flawed messy human beings not statuary icons of platonic virtue.

One can adore an artist’s work such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, or Chinatown and still recognized and condemn the creator for their actions or unjust philosophies.

It is equally justifiable to refuse to engage with their art if the offense is beyond a pale you can accept. That is a line that each person must determine for themselves.

Wherever you draw your personal line of embargo it is important long before that moment before the horrible revelations come to light that you do not place these people on the pedestals of adoration, that is where the art belongs, but always remind yourself that no matter the touching nature of their creations they people and that  good art can come from bad people.
