Daily Archives: February 18, 2021

Rush Limbaugh has Assumed Room Temperature


Yesterday, February 17th, 2021, Rush Limbaugh radio/political personality died.

In the mid to late 90s I did listen to his radio program though I could never be called a fan and certainly not a ditto-head, a term for his most devoted followers. During my failed collegiate pursuits, I, for a while, majored in political science and as this blog indicates still have a deep and abiding interest in the political arts, governance, and public policy making at least occasional listening to his program something of interest. It never became a regular experience because even though at the time I was a registered and voting member of the Republican Party Limbaugh did not present reasoned argument from a foundation of logic and solid moral philosophy bur rather engaged in demeaning, cruel, petty, and personal attacks masquerading as humor in place of serious thought. He was not a satirist; he was a bully. Limbaugh’s crude and vicious attitude towards those he perceived as enemies established the moral direction of conservatism and cleared the path for the ascendency of Trump. Today’s ignorant, petty, lying, Republican party devoid of morality or honor is the crop that grew from Limbaugh’s popularity and unchallenged position as the party’s loudest voice. Before he himself went into the grave he first put serious conservatism there leaving behind its idiot and bigoted brother.

There are voices on the right demanding that Limbaugh’s critics restrain their voices and their tone out of respect for the dead. I will not mock or demean him or engaged in petty, puerile, personal attacks not because Limbaugh is deserving of respect but because he is not worth the violation of my manners or principals. Nor will I criticize those who are unleashing their own brands of cruel humor because to demand that this man be treated with a respect he never found for others is hypocrisy that is unmatched. Let him bask in the same respect he showed for his enemies.

He is dead but the wreckage on our political norms from his career lives on.
