Daily Archives: February 9, 2021

Republican Nihilism


The hard truth is that the Republican party believes in nothing. It has not always been this way but as it is currently constituted there is no base philosophical or political beliefs that is the foundation of the party or its movement. There are instead policy goals and factions that will embrace any position and any ploy to advance their own narrow interest. Less gun regulation, reducing taxation on the wealthy, allowing greater totals of pollution, harsher regulation of immigration, forcing pregnancies to term, and more are all policy positions without a governing philosophical basis.

During the Cold War when the West was locked into a Global Struggle with the Soviet Union the GOP insisted that it fought for freedom, for self-determination, and self-rule, for democracy over the authoritarianism of the communist block and it is true then but such ideals have been abandoned for the power to implement policy.

The 2020 election brought a popular vote total with the Democratic party beating the Republican by 7 million votes. Self-rule and democratic ideals meant nothing to the GOP as it backed its corrupt leader’s attempt to subvert and overthrow the election.

The Republican Party for my entire voting life has proclaimed itself the defenders of the American Constitution and derided its opponents as people willing to openly disregard that document in pursuit of their preferred outcomes. The GOP may have believed that but in the light of the current day it is factually false.

The 2020 election has no systemic, pervasive, or significant fraud or election failures and when the clear and plain interpretation of the Constitution ran counter to the GOP retaining the power to implement policy, they abandoned the Constitution wholesale. 126 House Republicans sought to overturn the legal, fair, constitutional election because the results were not to their liking.

The Republican Party is not the party of freedom, not for states or for individuals, it is the party of power and now that it has lost it it will cry and scream and beg that its opponents must respect ‘norms’ and ‘traditions’ that the GOP has forsaken long ago. Those are lies and we must not be deceived by them.
