Daily Archives: February 3, 2021

One Last Act to Perform


I’m quite pleased with how my WIP in coming along. Last night I completed Act 4, the character is now isolated and under official sanction if she continues the investigation but the truth compels her onward. I have one more act to write. If Act 5 comes in around projected sized my first draft should land just shy of 100,000 words.

Once the final act is completed, that’s another 2-3 weeks of writing, then I have a few major revisions to implement and a serious decision to make.

When I first conceived this novel early on in the backstory, I had two major paths to decide between in how things worked. I went with path B now as I near the end I cannot for the life of me remember why path B was the superior one and I have to consider that possibly it wasn’t and part of the revisions should be putting everything on A. It would not be a ground up rewriting, its direct effect on the plot in fact is rather minimal but I find it terribly frustrating that I can’t recall the reason for my decision.

Oh well, the good news is that the characters and the story are progressing very nicely and I’m pleased with the overall effect. We’ll see if beta readers feel the same way.

