Monthly Archives: January 2021

Streaming Review: Prospect (2018)


Prospect is a 2018 feature length adaptation of the a 2014 short film of the same title and concerns an adolescent Cee, her father Damon, prospecting for valuable biological gems on a toxic planet and the bandit they encounter, Ezra, played by Pedro pascal.

Having learned that this is a feature-length version of a much shorter work goes a very long way in explaining the film’s defects.

Deus ex Machina, which literally means the gods from the machines, is the writing sin of having spontaneous external events resolve the characters troubles, usually saving their lives, that arise from no action, pre-planning, or establishment. The gods intervene and force the happy ending. Prospect is actually an example of the opposite of that, perhaps you might call it Demons ex Machina. Throughout the run time of the film Cee encounters new and wildly unexpected troubles that have no rational set-up beforehand but exist solely to create conflict where there wouldn’t be otherwise. Just as resolutions must arise naturally from the characters, their natures, and their talents, so much the obstacles that hinder their progress and test them. In Role Playing Games there is the concept of ‘the wandering monster’ an encounter with a hostile force that is unconnected the characters’ central storyline. An attack by trolls in the middle of the night while camping. These encounters add excitement and deplete the players’ resources for later pre-plotted fights and make a good element to well-balanced games but they make a poor substituted for a well-crafted narrative and that is exactly what Prospect feels like, a series of random encounters and then a final boss fight, decent gaming but poor story telling.

Setting aside the random nature of the troubles Cee encounters the movie is decent. The actors are all good, the production values look great, with a very limited budget the filmmakers managed to craft a movie that doesn’t look limited. The dialog at times is very reminiscent of Firefly with a pseudo-western cadence but delightfully not all the characters speak in that manner creating a sense of people from very different backgrounds.

While flawed I did not regret the time spent watching Prospectand for others, I have no doubts it will work far better.

Prospect is currently streaming on Netflix.


It Was a Putsch


A putsch is a violent attempt to overthrow a government and what happened on the 6th of January 2021 was a putsch and I think it will turn out to be a more organized one that many currently believe. It was also not the first in this election cycle the disrupted plot my militia members to kidnap the governor of Michigan was also a putsch.

I believe that the seditionists on January 6 can be divided up into three elements, Useful Idiots, Trump Zealots, and Dedicated Insurrections.

The Useful Idiots are people of the rank-and-file GOP base that arrived at Washington D.C. that day to bleat and cry about stolen elections, make a lot of noise, but without any plans to actually do anything of substance. They are the ones most likely to believe that the vice-president actually had the power to throw out the election and most likely comprised the majority of the mob. Every army needs cannon-fodder and that are usually unaware that has been their designation. These would have been the cosplayers to the revolution.


Trump Zealots are the hard core and willing to be violent supports of Trump as strong man. I think that the ‘Proud Boys’ most likely fall into the element. These people are not particularly political but motivated more by hate, fear, and a deep desire for a social order that places them on top. It’s my opinion that these are the people who would have taken member of congress and the senate hostage and perhaps worse in their hatred of the world and would have fixed the eye of the media on themselves during the crisis. These are the people bearing flex cuffs and shouting for vice President Pence.

The third and by far most dangerous to our system of government were the Dedicated Insurrectionists. These men came armed, armored, and with a serious plan. They understood that the Pence couldn’t give the election to Trump and that the counting of the electoral ballots was the pivot joint to the transferer of power. These are the people who came with maps of the capitol’s underground tunnels and that ransacked not Nancy Pelosi’s office but rather the Senate Parliamentarian’s.

The Senate Parliamentarian is hardly a public figure of renown. I certainly could tell you their name with researching it and according to people who have worked in the capitol for years that office is obscure and not easily found. The insurrectionists that went there did so with a purpose and I think it was to find and destroy the paper ballots of the Electoral College.

If those ballots had been destroyed before they were counted congress could not have completed the presidential election of 2020. The Constitution makes no provisions for a ‘do over’ and all of the hard legislative deadlines were well past. The Constitution does clearly map out what happens if the Electoral College cannot select a president, Congress, voting by state delegation not individual members, elects the president and that would have given the office to Trump.

I have no faith, absolutely none at all, that the Republicans of this congress would have abandoned Trump for something so quaint as democracy and would have voted him in as president, some by cowardice, some by party loyalty over the nation, and some for sheer toadiness, but I have a certainty that would have been the outcome.

Perhaps as more come to light and the investigation progresses, we will discover things that makes these conclusions unsupported, if so, I will happily change my tune, but I think the opposite is more likely. As we uncover the facts of the failed plot, we will learn that more people were involved, perhaps people of high office, and that the putsch came dangerously close to succeeding.


Trump is not the Monster


Which is not to say that Trump isn’t monstrous because beyond doubt he is a monstrous human being, vain, greedy, slothful, and utterly lacking in nay compassion or empathy he fully fits the bill but the real monster is the one he claimed, the Republican Voter Base.

When LBJ arm-twisted, cajoled, and pushed through landmark civil rights legislation he is have said to have commented that the Democrats had lost the south for a generation. At the time the Democratic Party had two major social elements, the northern liberal wing and the southern segregationists. This split had been a major factor in Democratic politics for decades with progressive goals being achieved by continuing to give tacit approval by way of inaction to the racist policies employed in primarily southern states. LBJ ruptured this agreement and starting in 1968 with Nixon’s Southern Strategy the GOP made plays for the disaffected racists now soured on the Democratic Party. After a brief reversal with the election of Jimmy Carter the transformation was completed with the ‘Reagan Democrats’ of the 1980 and 1984 elections.

With subtle and sometimes not so subtle messaging the GOP whistled to this new fragment of its electorate with messages that provoked anger and fear because those are far more powerful motivators than policy. As the Democratic Party pushed to open society to more and more persons who had been pushed to the fringes with drives for equality and rights and numerous fronts the GOP responded by enraging this element more and more. Abortion, gays, and other ‘social’ issues which when you strip is all away always come back to individuals living their own lives, were the wedge issues to enrage the base and turn them out to vote. After the vote? The issues could be forgotten save for red-meat speeches to re-energize them for funds and marches.

The problem with anger as a motivator is that like a drug people develop tolerances. What was enraging last election is merely annoying this one and next cycle will be purely background. The doses have to become larger and more intense, distorted truth no longer works and manufactures lies and less coded speech are required to fuel the fury. This has the side-effect of driving away more moderate voices and voters but if you gain more than you lose then you still win and you control the mob, right?

You control until someone comes along willing to feed them hatred less diluted than your own. Trump rode down that escalator in 2015 and took control of a mob that had been decades in the making and with its fury fully behind him cowed the entire GOP into submission. Th elite well-educated master found themselves chained to the beast, dancing to its tune, and the tragic result we witnessed last Wednesday, the full-throated assault on democracy, the rage that demanded their whims be catered to and the power of their lies.

Trump fired the gun at the head of democracy with it was the GOP that forged and loaded it.


Structure is not a Straitjacket


When I planned out my current novel in progress, I made the minimum target for the word count to be about 80,000 and as has become custom for me I plotted the story out using a five-act structure. I very much like the more detailed approach that 5 acts gives me over the more traditional 3 act where the second act seems rather loosely defined.

Given 5 acts that would make each one about 16,000 words long, longer if I move towards the 90,000 words possibility.

So, earlier this week I finished act 3 and moved in act 4 where things spiral out of control and here are the sizes of the acts written so far: Act 1 16,200, Act 2 16,600, and Act 3 32,700.

Wow, that 3rd act is massive and of course I was aware of it as I wrote it. So much happens as the murder investigation digs deep and uncovers elements that the characters could have scarcely imagined much less expected.

Am I panicking? Am I going back and looking for massive cuts to bring that Act down to a size more like the first two?


Structure tells me where the story is going and what sort of elements are required to move it forward it is not a detailed diagram that with exact word or page counts. Now, this is an early draft and when I dive into the first revisions I will be looking to see if I leaned heavily on exposition, covered the same ground more than once, and other elements that I would be looking for anyway but I will not be looking to ‘force’ the Act down to match the others. Variation, even when one act at twice the size of the others, is not a reason to panic edit. The Act structure is a guide not detailed instructions and when a reader picks up your novel, they do not see the structure, they see the characters, the troubles, and the moral quandaries. If they see the structure then the story has failed.


Potentially Amazing Good News


Running a little late this morning but I do have some public health news to share that is potentially amazing.

The fight against the global pandemic of COVID-19 sped the development, testing, and eventual approval of a new approach to vaccines, using messenger RNA to have the body produces elements of the target virus to train the immune system for when an actual infection arrives. This is the basis for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines which are proving to be so gloriously effective. The basic science and technique of using mRNA for a vaccine approach has been in

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the works for many years, basic science funded by government grants with an eye to many deadly viruses that we haven’t yet produced a vaccine for.

In a press release yesterday Moderna announced that it has two mRNA candidates, mRNA-1644 and mRNA-1574 that is plans to advance for phase 1 trails this year as potential vaccines for HIV.

Now there is a lot that can go wrong between here and approval and even if it doesn’t this will be a long road if for no other reason that large scale efficacy on a disease that progresses so slowly will take lots of time but this is a glimmer of the dawn of a new day, not just against HIV/AIDS, which still kills far too many people around the globe, but also for the fight against so many other tricky, nasty, viruses out there still out to get us.



A Failure of a Film: The Siren


Last night was to be my first horror film of 2021 with The Siren which promised to be a moody small character pieces set on a mountain lake and the siren that inhabits drowning her victims. The film shattered by ability to suspend disbelief and I abandoned it, to explain what happen will be very spoilery for about the first 30 minutes of this short 80-minute movie.

The protagonist is a Tom a mute but not deaf church going man who has rented the cabin on the lake. We get in his backstory that a swimming accident nearly killed him and rendered him mute and he doesn’t go swimming any more. Ok, that’s a reasonable set up and a character that is different from the normal cookie cutter approach to scriptwriting. He meets Al a friendly neighbor but who knows of the siren and is hunting her for drowning his husband Michal.

In the middle of the night Tom is awaken by sounds of water splashing and when he goes to the dock, which is connected to his bedroom, he meets Nina, swimming and fully clothed in the pitch blackness of the mountain night. She explains that she thought the house was empty and that she often swims to it from the far side of the lake but not a word not a hint as to why she does this fully freakin’ clothed. Nor does Tom has the slightest curiosity about the matter either.

The next day after buying oars for the rowboat Tom rows onto the lake and against encounters our Siren Nina, who, because she has been enamored with Tom, has stolen fresh street clothes to swim in and is now wearing earrings from her stash of jewelry and watches presumably from previous victims. Again, Tom displays not the slightest hint of bewilderment that this attractive young woman swims fully clothed and wearing jewelry.

Nina convinces Tom to come into the water and to remove the life jacket he was wearing, which he does. His trauma seems utterly negated by a pretty face. At first things are pleasant but there is tension because we know she is driven by a lust to kill and sure enough with both hands she pushed him under the water and holds him there with her great strength that was demonstrated earlier with her crushing a stone in one hand. Tom struggles and fights but he can’t break free or get to the surface. At this point I thought perhaps he wasn’t a protagonist and perhaps it was Al who would take over the story much like Psycho. But then Nina because she is so enamored with Tom relents and pulls him up repeating over and over, ‘I’m Sorry.’

Cut to the next scene Tom and Nina on the rocky shore, sitting together. I stopped the stream right then and there. Tom’s inability to notice that a woman swimming in her street clothes is something odd that can barely be ignored but to sit beside her in a friendly after she has held you for a prolonged period under the water and you have a traumatic past with drowning is simply beyond the boundaries of credibility.

The Siren is a well photographed, slowed paced horror film that had the characters acted even the slightest bit more like actual people might have been very engaging. I love a good slow burn horror that isn’t about ‘kills’ but I do expect the characters to behave in a manner that is somewhat consistent with humanity in general.

The Sire is currently streaming on Shudder and I do not recommend.


Concessions Are Critical


We are all familiar with the stories of Japanese Imperial Army soldiers isolated and out of contact on tiny islands that for years after the end the war continued fighting serving a cause that had ended with loyalty and devotion. The dedication to death of the Imperial Japane3se soldier seemed incomprehensible to Western eyes and was a cause of grave concern when planning the invasion of Japan’s home island. Major loss of life was avoided by Emperor Hirohito’s unprecedented radio announcement of the Empire surrender.

Surrender is the concession that you have lost the war and it is the permission structure that allows dedicated and loyal soldiers to lay down their arms and fight no more. It was the case for Imperial japan, for Nazi Germany, and the traitorous South in the American Civil War.

Following Biden’s victory in November there were a number of pieces published with the sentiment that while it would be nice if Trump conceded the election it was in no way a requirement. They argue that legally a defeated candidate’s concession held no weight on the matter, the process did not call for it and the transfer of power will proceed without. This is true for the legal argument. Nothing in the law requires the defeated candidate to give a concession speech or act with the honor that we expect from our election leaders but there is much more to this than legality.

Wednesday’s assault on Congress, instigated by the President after months of lies, was an attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power by a political force that has not accepted defeat and it has not accepted that defeat because there has been no surrender, no concession. Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the facts of the matter not only dishonor our process but in no unsubtle ways advises his followers that the fight is not over, that they do not have permission to lay down their metaphorical and all too often real arms in the fight. The absence of a surrender does the exact opposite it lays out the expectation that every true follower will continue the fight and never recognize their collective defeat. Concessions are not optional they are critical to political process but we must face the reality that Trump will never concede. His narcissistic ego will not allow it he will forever wail that he was cheated and in doing so will give continual permission for his followers to wage real war on his behalf. When senior Republicans asked, “what harm does it do?” in allowing Trump rants and lies about the results of the election aided and abetted by the likes of Cruz, Hawley, and McConnel, this is the answer, putsches and violence and we have yet to see the end of that.

We cannot force Trump to concede. Because we cannot obtain from Trump what our system so desperately requires, we cannot extend an olive branch of healing to either Trump or his followers. In the debate should Trump be prosecuted to the full extent of the law some have argued our nation requires  that we do not to heal our divisions and that may have worked in a world where Trump conceded but that is not the world we live in. Trump has not surrendered his war on our democracy and so we cannot abandon the fight. Our system of self-government would not survive if we did. Trump must be prosecuted for all his crimes and the so must every single person who violates the law for his cause.

I have no illusion that the years ahead are going to be difficult. I fully expect that of the millions who have accepted the lies that this election was ‘stolen’ there more than a few willing to commit violence even after Trump’s departure from the White House. The attempts to kidnap a sitting governor, to subvert elected government are not over.

When the enemy army is in the field and pressing their attacks, no matter how hopeless, is not the time to abandon your positions and give them the field.


The Putz Putsch

Despite the snarky title of this post Wednesday’s assault on our government is a deadly serious incident. Violent, right-wing reactionaries stormed our nation’s capital with the intent to prevent the transfer of power to next president who had been legitimately, freely, and fairly elected. They did this after months of lies from the head of our government who himself had been supported by his party in these lies of ‘stolen’ election. Even after the invasion of the congress with Representative, Senators, and journalists in fear of their lives, and people had died, more than 100 Republican Representatives still voted to disenfranchise millions of Americans and to overthrow this election. As I write this five people have died from this riot, this act of political terrorism, and cowards who were more than happy to bask in the glow of Trump’s abuse of power are scuttling for safety and demanding they we respect them as principled people. They are not, they are merely self-serving, greedy, cowards that are now seeking to save their skins and careers after standing by and watching this man corrupt his office and refuse to take any rational action to save lives during the worst global pandemic in a century.

It is a blessing that this action was performed by idiots but we are far from safe even after Trump is expelled from the office and a sane person replaces him.

Trump is the accelerant for the bonfire that is burning down our political house but he is not the arsonist. A sane, healthy, and reality-based political party would not have been ripe for Trump brand of white-grievance, fascistic politics. Trump walked in and took controls of a base that had been built over decades, one that the elite like Hawley and Cruz thought they could command and are even now trying to wrest back from him. That base, the ones that been encouraged to think Obama was a foreign-born Muslim, that had been taught to never trust any source outside of the Conservative bubble, that had fully supported every action to make it harder for the ‘wrong’ kinds of people to vote, are the same people who stormed the capital and waved treasonous flags during their putsch. This is not conservatism. Around the world there are sane, rational conservative political parties. This is the modern GOP, it is vile, it is racist, and it is solidly anti-democratic. Trump did not create it; he merely took it off its mask and revealed the monster underneath.


American Cinematic Morality

American Cinematic Morality

Here’s a clip from the classic film Casablanca (1942) where Victor and Isla escape while Rick makes sure no one interferes.

What I find fascinating is that Rick doesn’t shoot Major Strasser until Strasser has pulled his own piston and it even looks like, at least from the twin clouds of smoke, that the major even got off a shot but being a villain naturally missed.

This is a perfect example of the morality that used to permeate American movies. The hero could never shoot down anyone, not evil a NAZI, who was not armed and directly posing a threat.

Another film from a decade later High Noon (1952) displays a similar take on this morality with the vicious Frank Miller, and you know what kind of man Frank Miller is, and his gang of three coming back to town for vengeance the Marshall who has been unable to rouse any help from the frightened townsfolk can’t lie in wait and pick Miller and other off from concealment with a rifle but must forcefully and frontally confront Miller before the gunfight begins.

By the 70’s this morality was fully abandoned. The Production Code, a self-enforced code of censorship from the studios was finally scrapped in the late 60’s and replaced by the first version of the modern rating system though the code had been largely ignored as early as 1960 with Psycho.

The Godfather (1972) is a clear rebuke of American Cinematic Morality it’s protagonists Michael Corleone while denying that he is like his family embraces the criminal life, personally murders his enemies without the cliche of letting them arm themselves or with even any warning and by the end of the tale has orchestrated events so that he is the undisputed crime boss of New York City becoming a greater gangster than his father had ever attained. No justice is ever delivered to Michael, his victory is a defeat of classical film ethics and a direct violation of the historic production code.

With the adoption of the rating system in 1968 I wonder which film was the first to have its hero shoot someone who was either unarmed or unaware of the coming attack?



Trump Has Done It Again

With one race called for Warnock and the other looking very promising for Ossoff it looks very likely that the Democratic Party will gain control of the senate with a 50-50 split with ties being broken by the new vice-president Harris.

Early results seem to indicate that GOP voters simply did not turn out in the numbers that they have in the past.

With control of the Senate hanging in the balance and more than 800 million dollars spent on the race you would think that the GOP would have crawled over broken glass to keep their upper hand in the upper chamber but weeks of questionings the legitimacy of our election process and specifically in the state of Georgia sowed the seeds of this morning’s harvest.

It helped that the GOP ran a couple of money-grubbing corrupt politicians perfectly willing to use a global pandemic that has killed more than 350,000 to line their own pockets. That sorts of heartless greed would normally invoke three destressing spectral visits but instead it has help to shift control of the government.

Mind you the GOP will not learn from this lesson. Later today more than one hundred members of the House and a dozen or more Senators will stand in their chambers and for the love of a narcissist and hive followers happily violate their oaths to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

As it has been said, everything Trump touches dies and so goes control of the Senate and all honor from the GOP.

