This Did Not Have to Happen.


In just a few minutes I will be leaving to receive the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. This has been a really rough year for all of us and the vaccine is one step in trying to reclaim our lives.

Sadly, more than 400,000 people in America cannot reclaim their lives; COVID-19 took them. The current total as I write this is 423,645 COBID-19 deaths in the United States and for comparison in the Second World War the USA total losses, military and civilian were 418,5000.

This pandemic has been exposed the utter failure of a disengaged government. National emergencies and disasters require a coordinated national response but when the chief executive is more concerned with image and appearance than results and his party quakes in fear at the ignorant fearful and raging base that they cultivated disaster is the only result.

