Trump Has Done It Again

With one race called for Warnock and the other looking very promising for Ossoff it looks very likely that the Democratic Party will gain control of the senate with a 50-50 split with ties being broken by the new vice-president Harris.

Early results seem to indicate that GOP voters simply did not turn out in the numbers that they have in the past.

With control of the Senate hanging in the balance and more than 800 million dollars spent on the race you would think that the GOP would have crawled over broken glass to keep their upper hand in the upper chamber but weeks of questionings the legitimacy of our election process and specifically in the state of Georgia sowed the seeds of this morning’s harvest.

It helped that the GOP ran a couple of money-grubbing corrupt politicians perfectly willing to use a global pandemic that has killed more than 350,000 to line their own pockets. That sorts of heartless greed would normally invoke three destressing spectral visits but instead it has help to shift control of the government.

Mind you the GOP will not learn from this lesson. Later today more than one hundred members of the House and a dozen or more Senators will stand in their chambers and for the love of a narcissist and hive followers happily violate their oaths to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

As it has been said, everything Trump touches dies and so goes control of the Senate and all honor from the GOP.

