The Worst is NOT Behind Us

Four years ago, Trump won the presidential election and that decision, not only unregretted by the millions that voted for him but by more who added their support this year, is going to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans.

The visceral hate for Trump and his administration is not grounded in a repulsion to his ‘personality’ but to his utter disregard for the office of president, any American who doesn’t fluff his ego, and his rampant, naked corruption but perhaps nothing justifies loathing Trump and his entire blood and political families that his mismanagement of the pandemic.

Under a sane and competent administration this would have been still a terrible year, the disease cares not for your feelings, your economic desires, or your political preferences, it is airborne, it is contagious, and it is lethal. Around the globe cases increasing as winter descends on the northern hemisphere and the best prepared nations are fighting another front but America, divided by a tantrum throwing president and millions who followed to ‘own the libs’ and ‘drink liberal tears’ is plunging over the cliff and into a winter chaos and death.

The recent vaccines news that two different vaccines are showing potentially above 90% efficacy is fantastic but for most Americans those vaccines are months and months away, most likely spring or even summer of 2021 but the virus is here now. The virus is spreading like an uncontrolled wildfire now. The virus is killing more than a thousand every day now. Here are the current cases, hospitalized, and daily deaths.











We are all tired of this. We are all exhausted by the never-ending pandemic but it is on each and every one of us to save lives, to hold on a little bit longer, to restrain our pent up desires for a few months more and save our fellow Americans from lonely, painful, death.

