Monthly Archives: October 2020

Welcome to October

It would seem that nature, the fates, or God, which force is most prominent in your belief system, has taken a hand in springing an October Surprise into our Presidential election season by infecting President Trump with COVID-19.

It is very tempting to mock and jeer at this news.

Trump’s willful mismanagement of the crisis has left tens of thousands of American needlessly dead. While possessing just about 4% of the world’s population the United States account for about 20% of the pandemic’s death total.

Trump cruelty to those who he sees as his enemies invites other to retaliate with their own cruelty.

His mocking of others with afflictions makes the desire to mock his own nearly irresistible.

I cannot speak for other but for myself I am not Trump and I am a better person than he. I will not mock him. I will not delight in his misery. I will not wish for him a slow painful and terrifying death no matter how poetically ironic it would prove to be.

I will confess to a dark delight that I would love to see Trump survive and then endure a crushing defeat delivered by Team Biden.

I would love to see Biden’s electoral team roll that ‘crit’ and crush the GOP with 400 electoral vote victory. Which according to the projections from the Washington Post’s data nerds is about a 10% chance, making it more likely than a natural ‘crit’ in D&D.

I would love to see a Democratic Tide so high that it washes away Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnel, however unlikely such an outcome is. Only through such a crushing defeat could the GOP be forced to rebuild itself as the sort of respectable conservative party that would be immune to future Trumps and I want Trump to live to see that happen.


Painful Television

No, I am not referring to the televised US Presidential Debate. I did not watch as I already have more than enough information to make an informed vote. Sadly, I am talking about a Scottish murder mystery limited series Deadwater Fell.

Currently available on the steaming service Acorn but also available as a single stand-alone purchase for the limited series Deadwater Fell is the story of a tragic fire that kills the wife and children of the village local doctor, Tom (David Tennant) and how the fallout from the events splinters the town and relationships.

My problem with the series is I truly disliked spending time with these characters. There is scarcely one that is pleasant, and most are actively abusive and manipulative. While all the characters have big dramatic issue, events, and troubles, the very nature of the characters make me immune to care.

The actors perform their tasks admirably, making these repulsive characters real and I do not hold them accountable for the writing. Though as I said to my sweetie-wife while we were watching the final episode, ‘If I want to watch Tennant being manipulative and evil, I’ll just watch Season One of Jessica Jones.’

In addition to the character abrasive natures the writing also seems to suffer from the author pushing the characters into scene for the audiences benefits rather than from a natural outgrowth of character motivation. For example, Tom, the Doctor, goes to Jess and tells her a sad story of his abuse as a child, as story Jess later learns is a lie. It reveals a bit of Tom’s character and his manipulative nature but Tom going to jess served no purpose for Tom. He wasn’t gaining anything. No cooperation, no item he needed, there was literally from Tom’s perspective, no purpose to do that. It advanced plot and revealed character but only by being out of character.

With less than ten minutes left to the final episode we abandoned the series and played Dominion.

I cannot recommend this series to anyone.
