Voting is Done

Here in California Voting by mail while not universal has been gaining greater and greater acceptance as the nominal method for participating in each election and during a deadly pandemic it makes even more sense. For several election cycles my sweetie-wife and I have been voting by mail simply for the convivence.

One of the advantages of mailing your ballot is the comfort of doing the research at home, making all your notes at home, and then completing the ballot without notes or other aids. It was also a bit of a hassle to carry into the polling location some sort of written guide for all the down ballot offices, judges, schoolboards and the like as well as the lesser known initiatives but statewide and local. Yes the state provides a sample ballot that you can mark ahead of time and that does work, but while standing at the plastic stations where you fill out the ballot I have always felt a time pressure to fill out and submit my ballot and at home no one is waiting to use my desk after me.

So, election 2020 is now in my personal rear-view mirror. I have voted against Trump, Trumpism, and all so have lent it even the barest of support. It is now in the hands of everyone else.
