Daily Archives: September 17, 2020

Some Possible NAZI Shit Right There

This week reports began popping up here and that that women in an ICE detention center, one that is operated by a private contractor, have been subject to unwanted and unnecessary hysterectomies  with some referring to the doctor alleged to have done this as ‘the uterus collector.’ These reports come from a whistleblower from inside the system.

It is important to note that at this time we do not yet know the accuracy, validity, or truth of these reports. Whistleblowers can be wrong, can have incomplete information, or even be untruthful or they can expose gross wrongdoing that authorities want to conceal.  Those of us on the outside need to make sure an honest independent investigation is performed and trust to the results. Congress has started one and we need to keep our eyes on that.

With all that said if these allegations are accurate or close to accurate this is some NAZI level shit.

I am not one to throw around comparisons to NAZIs or Stalinists. These types of verbal assaults are usually the product of intense partisanship and not a considered judgment based upon historical context but post WWII forced sterilization of black and brown people? That is straight up racist NAZI shit.

It is no revelation that those are those on the right obsessed with birth right citizenship and ‘anchor’ babies. It would not take a stretch of the weakest imagination to contemplate a racist, nationalist, medical professional sterilizing non-white women to eliminate the possibility that they may give birth while on American soil.

That is conjecture. Right now, we do not know the facts, but have an administration that dismisses the deaths of Americans that it does not consider as its supporters. ( The offensive comments from the president that if you take out the deaths from ‘Blue States’ we’re doing well with the pandemic.) And that the head of our government considers people from Mexico to be ‘rapists and murderers.’ Is it really that hard to believe that it may have attracted racists zealots to its border enforcement programs?
