Horrible Imaginings Review #2

Yesterday was my first full day of streaming features and shorts form Horrible Imaginings Film Festival 11.

We started with the Feature Darkness in Tenement 45, a period pieces set in 1953 with New York City being evacuated before a suspected biological attack by the USSR. The film is set in one tenement as the residents deal with dwindling supplies and food and rising tension and paranoia. Sadly, this feature did not work for me. I think the filmmaker’s objective lay just beyond their abilities with a scrip that was functional but not quite there, talent that couldn’t quite carry the subject matter, and cinematography that capture the sense of the time.

We followed that up with a block of short films the theme being ‘Blood is thicker than water.’ This had a number of really good entries with standouts being Smiles from Spain, Separation, and Hammurabi.

At this point in my household we broke for dinner and evening board and card games.

After gaming and with my sweetie-wife retiring for the evening we resumed the festival with the feature Luz: Flower of Evil from Columbia. This feature sported fantastic production values with extensive color grading that recreated the feel on Kodachrome film that helped enhance the feature’s setting in the 1970s. It concerned an isolated community with its charismatic religious leader and their search for absolution in his repeated attempt to identify the reborn Christ. Ultimately though this feature also did not work for me. In the end the film’s conclusion failed to provide a satisfying resolution to theme or character.

We concluded with the short film block “Monster are Everywhere.” Though the evening wore too late and we shall view the final films in the block today. However, the standouts so far are Night Crawl where prisoner tunneling to escape make gruesome discoveries, Spiritual Practice, that centers on a military style training academy for exorcists, and Face your Fears where a young woman frightened of the dark engages in a terrifying game hoping to lose her phobia.

Today the terror continues.
