Monthly Archives: September 2020

It’s Good to Have Hope and to be Wary

No, this is not about the Presidential Debate last night September 29th.

The New York Times has an interesting story about a tech start-up in Massachusetts that is raising funds and planning to construct a test reactor for nuclear fusion.

Working with MIT the start-up Commonwealth Fusion Systems hopes to have their reactor built in just 3-4 years and if all goes according to their plans producing net gain energy from fusion.

We have seen this road before and it has, to date, only led to washed-out bridge, collapsed tunnels, and chasms yet to be spanned, but things are impossible to achieve until they aren’t. This is not some fly-by-night operation working without the benefit of major scientific and technological might and several physicists have publisher papers agreeing that this approach looks sound.

It may still fail.

It may yet be another crushing disappointment.

It may also work.

We need something like this. While viable fusion power would attract attacks from both the lest and the right it would be a huge leap forward in de-carbonizing our energy systems.


Is This the Year for me and NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, which takes place in October when participants commit themselves to the lofty goal of completing 50,000 words on a manuscript between November 1 and November 30. (Couldn’t that have least selected a month with 31 days?) That comes out to an average of 1667 words per day, every day, including Saturday and Sunday.

I attempted this once before, on a lark, and experimenting with an idea that I was going to ‘pants’ all the way through. That did not work.

For reason that can’t be fully detailed here I may be producing a new novel here and unlike my other excursions into novel length projects this one may require speed.

However, my writing process is to write Monday thru Friday reserving my weekends as fun and recharge time. IF I want to commit to meeting NaNoWriMo goals that would raise my average daily word count to 2500.

That’s not undoable.

When things are going well, and I am not lolly-gagging I can maintain a production north of 2000 words per day.

Factors in my favor are that I have an outline broken down into the five acts, I have character notes and descriptions, I have world building notes and cultural details for the sub-cultures involved, so I am well prepared for this book.

Factors against me is that I’m lazy, I like playing my Xbox One, and there are too many movies to watch.



Trump’s Finances and The Larger Scandal Exposed

The New York Times has obtained tax returns for Donald Trump covering a number of years exposing his lies, both as a ‘businessman’ and as a citizen. For many the bombshell fact will be that for many years Trump paid zero, nothing at all, in Federal Income taxes and in fact at one point claimed a tax credit, that is not a deduction that reduced his obligation but a credit where the US Federal Government paid him nearly 73 million dollars, a credit that was quite possibly fraudulent and if the IRS audit, yes he actually is under an audit for this particular credit, finds he abused the system to claim this credit then he could, on this one point alone, owe more than 100 million in taxes and fines.

In addition to this, the absurd sums deducted as business expenses, such as 70,000 dollars in haircuts (Do you remember GOP outrage at President Clinton’s $200 haircut?) and the possibly illegal nearly $800,000 ‘consulting fees’ paid to his daughter Ivanka, and the 400 Million dollars in debt coming due between now and 2024, that is during his second term should he pull off another electoral college victory, we need to remember his other financial shenanigans, the proven fraud of his non-profit foundation which the Trump’s used as a shell to hide money and their own personal piggy bank, and the dubious and secretive financial dealing with foreign powers.

But these frauds and tax schemes of Trump’s is not the larger scandal.

The larger, structural scandal is that so much of what Trump does is standard operating procedure for the massively wealthy. Wealth has captured the regulatory state and while the GOP slashes and burns their way through environmental regulations in the name of business and profit the wealthy dive through loops holes escaping what little tax burden the law does require of them. Until Trump leaped into the hot glare of presidential politics much of this, certainly his non-profit foundation scams, would have escape justice but he is far from the only one.

Should the Democratic Party regain the levers of power they should use this outrage to launch a new era of accountability for the wealthy and make false the bragging of one Leona Helmsley that, ‘We don’t pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes.’


Hardball for Me and Stickball for Thee

First off, there is nothing the Democrats can do to stop the GOP senate from filling RBG’s seat with whoever they want. There’s no parliamentary rule or maneuverer open to them and without the support of 3 or 4 GOP senators, the number varies by the timing of the vote and if Mark Kelly wins because he would not wait to be seated with the new Senate, the chair is lost to them. No petition, no calls, no letters, can stop this only the GOP and the prize is too great for them to pass. They will do this, and impact will last 30 or 40 years.

The GOP has ceased using legislation, aside from reconciliation to enact tax cuts, to advance their agenda but instead have more and more become reliant upon the courts to strike down laws and regulations that they wish to see done away with. A prime example of this is the Voting Rights Act. The VRA, originally passed in 1965, was most recently reauthorized in full in 2013 but a 77-19 vote with only 2 GOP Senator voting against it but when the Supreme Court removed key provision the GOP refused to move or even suggest legislative fixes. Unable to repeal the ACA in the legislature they are currently suing to have the Court throw the law out. The foundation of this strategy is conservative jurists with lifetime appointments face no political blowback or cost for enacting conservative agendas. Occasional losses pf the house, Senate, or White House are acceptable trade-offs for this long-term power. It is a pragmatic powerplay and no charge of hypocrisy will stop it. The GOP has been playing the field while saying ‘find a rule to stop me.’

Should the Democrats take back the Senate and the White House there will be pressure to play the same game and at that moment GOP pearls will be clutched, fainting salts administered, and cries ‘I’m shocked, shocked! To Find power politics being played here!’ The GOP will insist with convoluted logic and a deep sudden dread of the future, along with a rediscovered desire to slash spending, that the Democratic Party must adhere to traditions and norms and not make any bold plays to expand their power.

These must be ignored.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander and the Democratic party must not allow itself to become mired in the GOP’s never-ending version of Calvin-ball. Once one side has traded in plastic bats and whiffle balls for Louisville Sluggers and regulation baseballs then it is political malpractice to not move fully to the new contested field.


The Central Dilemma of Economics

The central dilemma of economics is often presented as ‘people have infinite wants in a world of finite resources,’ and I would say that it is generally true, but it misses one vital aspect. That while there are in fact finite resources individuals are in general incapable of perceiving the limitations and emotionally react as though resources were in fact infinite.

Electricity is a limited resource, generated from limited resources and distributed by limited system but an individual’s relationship to electricity, at least in rich nations, is that it is always there in limitless amounts. Food, material good, are all produced in quantities so vast that it becomes nothing more than an abstraction in same way that a single death is a tragedy and 200,000 thousand a statistic.

However, when the resource limitations are stark and undeniable, survival and disaster situations, people do not act like engines of infinite wants. Contrary to most disaster and post-collapse stories people in general do not become self-centered engines of destruction and exclusion but often become more generous and supportive to others, including strangers.

On any scale beyond a few thousand people and with resources that feel infinite economics central dilemma applied in full force, but what happens if very tightly contained and constrained environments that last indefinitely?

That is one of the central questions in what is likely to be my next novel. It should be fun to explore.


The Exorcist is a Very 70s Novel

I just finished re-reading William Peter Blatty’s novel The Exorcist. The story by now is familiar to nearly everyone interested in horror fiction. Young Regan McNeil is possessed by the spirit of demon and her fiercely atheist mother Chris McNeil after exhausting everything the worlds of science and medicine have to offer calls upon a Jesuit priest suffering a crisis of faith Father Karras and an aged but experienced exorcist Father Merrin to save her daughter.

Published in 1971 The Exorcist displays some interesting hallmarks of that period in its construction. Now, I am not referring to disco music or leisure suits but rather the way extra-sensory perceptions and abilities had been absorbed into the public consciousness.

What started in science-fiction print media and had grown throughout the 50s and 60s, telepathy, prescience, and telekinesis became accepted wisdom, along with pyramid power and ancient astronauts.

What does this have to do with a novel about the demon Pazuzu possessing the body of 12-year old Regan McNeil?

Before Karras can appeal to his Bishop for permission to perform the ritual of exorcism he must first eliminate the possibility that the phenomena associated with Regan are natural and explainable by the science at the time. This includes the shaking of her bed, objects flying about her room, and Regan possessing knowledge of events and languages unknown to her.

As Karras grapples with the enormity of the possibility of an actual possession his faith, already shaken, is undermined by the explanation that all the strange events may be caused by telepathy and telekinesis. This is not a by-product of Karras being a person who is weak in his scientific knowledge or understanding, he is a trained and respected psychiatrist. The novel, though published in the early 70s, is so infused with the popular wisdom at the time, that this priest of science considers telekinesis are rational and scientific justification for observed events.

I was a teenager in the late 70s and re-reading the novel for the first time in many decades it is a strange deja vu sensation to be brought back to that unique period in American Culture.


A Strange Theory

Recently I was exposed to the theory that Joe Biden in his presidential ambitions is likely to, after winning the White House and serving a brief portion of his term, resign and turn it over to Vice President Harris.

My writer’s brain tried to sus out the detail of how this occurred to Biden and frankly I don’t have a malleable enough imagination to make it credibly work.

Biden has run for president before and in his previous excursions on the political presidential battlefields has been routed. To quote a jape from The Daily Show ‘You don’t need Ukraine to beat Joe Bide, Joe Biden will beat Joe Biden.’ But as they say in the financial commercials past performance doesn’t assure future performance. A reasonable expectation when Biden entered the race was that he was too centrist for the moment and as before would be beaten in the primary.

Given that it is hard to imagine that he launched a grueling campaign not only expecting to win but plotting to give it all away as well. And even if he had joined the fray with that intention his serious early defeats would have given him credible coverage to drop out and let the left have the field. No, I just can’t see him starting the campaign with the intention of winning it and then giving it away.

So, for this theory to hold water he would need to come to this conclusion after the campaign’s start. After South Carolina Joe’s momentum built and the candidacy that had been on life support became the monster that slew the opponents to its left. Now going from victory to victory Biden suddenly decides that he wants to win but give it to the woman who shived him in the first debate? Joe has wanted to be president for some time, he ran back in 1988 what event or turn of chance would prompt him to suddenly decide he didn’t really want it but wanted to win it for someone else?

No, the idea that he came up with this plot after the contest started doesn’t hold water either. Like the idea of reavers piloting ships from planet to planet in the Firefly universe I simply can’t envision the scene where this happens.

The truth of the matter is that Biden, who isn’t for defunding the police, isn’t for Medicare for All, isn’t for eliminating the filibuster, just isn’t that frightening and that to make him frightening one has to invoke stalking horses, Trojan horses, or Manchurian scenarios otherwise he is a fairly garden variety Democrat and compared to the insanity that is the Trump GOP that’s far from frightening.


The Stated but Hidden Truth

Ryan Struck of CCN tweeted a quoted from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:

After they change the filibuster, they’re going to admit the District as a state. They’re going to admit Puerto Rico as a state. That’s four new Democratic senators in perpetuity. Once they get a hammerlock on the Senate, they’re going to then pack the Supreme Court.”

There is an interesting and unstated foundational premise in McConnell’s argument about the number of senators, that the Republican Party is incapable of persuasion. The voters it has now, its primarily white Christian voting base, is the only one it is capable of attracting.

This is a truth that is universally known but rarely acknowledged. It is the truth the motivates the voter suppression efforts of the party because this is party incapable of attracting new voters to this side. In 2012 the GOPs presidential candidate lost the electoral college with a popular vote share of 47.2 percent while in 2016 it won with a lower share of the vote a mere 46.1 percept of the popular total.

The foundational idea of democracy, direct or representational, is that it is a marketplace of ideas where political actor present and argue for various causes, policies, and ideals and the voters determine those that are place into office or enacted. In theory a part that loses voters adjusts their policies and positions to attract new voter for victory in future cycles and the only way the new states would be Democratic in perpetuity is if the GOP is incapable of adjusting itself to attract new voters in those new states.

There was a time in presidential contests when California was a solidly Republican state it is no more. Things do change and the idea of the any state belong to one party in perpetuity is false but McConnell is telling a truth.

The Republican Party as is it now standing solidly against democratic ideal and processes and confronted in a contest of ideas will lose for the foreseeable future.


Some Possible NAZI Shit Right There

This week reports began popping up here and that that women in an ICE detention center, one that is operated by a private contractor, have been subject to unwanted and unnecessary hysterectomies  with some referring to the doctor alleged to have done this as ‘the uterus collector.’ These reports come from a whistleblower from inside the system.

It is important to note that at this time we do not yet know the accuracy, validity, or truth of these reports. Whistleblowers can be wrong, can have incomplete information, or even be untruthful or they can expose gross wrongdoing that authorities want to conceal.  Those of us on the outside need to make sure an honest independent investigation is performed and trust to the results. Congress has started one and we need to keep our eyes on that.

With all that said if these allegations are accurate or close to accurate this is some NAZI level shit.

I am not one to throw around comparisons to NAZIs or Stalinists. These types of verbal assaults are usually the product of intense partisanship and not a considered judgment based upon historical context but post WWII forced sterilization of black and brown people? That is straight up racist NAZI shit.

It is no revelation that those are those on the right obsessed with birth right citizenship and ‘anchor’ babies. It would not take a stretch of the weakest imagination to contemplate a racist, nationalist, medical professional sterilizing non-white women to eliminate the possibility that they may give birth while on American soil.

That is conjecture. Right now, we do not know the facts, but have an administration that dismisses the deaths of Americans that it does not consider as its supporters. ( The offensive comments from the president that if you take out the deaths from ‘Blue States’ we’re doing well with the pandemic.) And that the head of our government considers people from Mexico to be ‘rapists and murderers.’ Is it really that hard to believe that it may have attracted racists zealots to its border enforcement programs?


Blu-Ray Review: The White Reindeer


A few weeks ago as my sweetie-wife and I relaxed watching Travel Man, an amusing show that spends 48 hours in various cities and well worth a watch on Hulu, I came across a tweet suggesting that people need to watch this older Finnish film about a woman that becomes a were-reindeer luring men to deaths. I shared the information with my sweetie-wife who instantly wanted to see it. (She has a love of things Finnish.) Searching failed to find any site hosting The White Reindeer for streaming and because my own curiosity grew quite elevated and I ordered a Blu-ray of the film from Germany. (It’s a joy owning a region free Blu-ray player and being able to view discs from literally anywhere in the world.)

Several weeks later The White Reindeer arrived in our mailbox.

With a running time just over an hour The White Reindeer fits nicely into the sort of time slot that from the period would have been a ‘B’ picture but its quality is in no way associated with that ter. Starring and co-written by Mirjami Kuosmanen The White Reindeer’s protagonist is Pirita a young woman who find her newly married life to reindeer hunter Aslak more dull than she had expected as he is required to spend significant time on distant expeditions. In desperation she turns to a local wizard for magical help to make her irresistible but due to either the unusual nature of her birth or the malicious actions of the stone god that grants the power Pirita becomes a shapeshifter transforming in a rare white reindeer that no hunter can resist chasing to their doom.

The director Erik Blomberg avoids the typical transformation effects of the age and instead of lapse dissolves uses clever edits and cuts to suggest the change and promotes the fantastic feel of the film far better than if we had watched Pirita become the reindeer.

The White Reindeer won Best Fairy tale Film at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film in 1956.

More closely related to horror cinema that fantasy with clear mirroring of Universal’s The Wolf-Man without being derivative The White Reindeer is essential viewing for lovers of international horror films.
