Fight Your Motivated Reasoning

Motivated Reasoning is the process where, quite subconsciously, a person used their reasoning to arrive a conclusion that conforms to their already held preconceptions and notions avoid the unpleasant dilemma of changing their opinion about a subject.

People utilize their motivated reasoning skill in a variety of settings and problems but it always occurs for subject to which the person has attached a high personal value, usually related to an identity or core personality self-image. A person who thinks of themselves as generous will find all manner of ‘reason’s when faced with evidence of selfishness. A person devoted to a political faction will construct elaborate chains of logic to maintain that their chosen position and party are ‘good’ and not tainted but some misdeed. An artist who has poured deeply person feeling into a work is likely to reject criticism rather than reevaluate their process or technique. All of these actions and example are not evidence of a person being ‘bad’ or dishonest, often the motivated reasoning takes place below the level of awareness, it is a defensive mechanism.

The best way to combat it is to question not that which confronts your world view, or that which attacks your directly, but question those things, evidence, and conclusion that make you feel warm and safe. The lie that is most dangerous is the lie we want to believe. Seek out evidence and arguments contrary to your positions, and not argument that have been filtered through allies presenting the counterargument or you will simply be swayed by their own motivated reasoning. When you reach a conclusion that is alignment with what you already accept as right and proper be merciless on yourself for flaws in your reasoning and logic. This is not easy and it is a never-ending process but you cannot reach truth via self-delusion.
