I Miss the Theatrical Experience

All of my life I have been a fa of movies. My earliest memory is of some Hammer Frankenstein in lurid color at a drive in in North Carolina. I can vividly recall sitting in the Sunrise theater in Ft Pierce Florida watch Escape from the Planet of the Apes, and while in the navy the day before we deployed to the Western Pacific for a six-month cruise, I spent twelve hours in various theaters watching movie after movie. In short going out to a movie is a valuable experience for me and one that I have dearly missed since the pandemic induced shut started in March.

On social media I can see that in some states the theaters are re-opening with enhanced procedures to help fight the spread of COVID-19 but not yet here in California and honestly as much as I miss the experience I’m very hesitant to return to that sort of public exposure without the benefit of a vaccine.

I am not passing judgement on others if they are taking every available precaution but this is not a game and people are dying. I know that with the medication I take for my arthritis avoiding infection is particularly important for me and that’s a major if not the dominate factor in my thinking. But I also interact with others, albeit fewer that I have before this crisis started, and I must do my part in preventing to spread, sparing my community, my friends, and my loved ones.

Despite my 55″ 4K television watching movies at home is not the same experience but for 2020 it will have to suffice.
