Daily Archives: August 7, 2020

YouTube Discovery

So, with movie theaters closed along with everything else I have been spending quite a bit of time streaming various channels on YouTube. In addition to my history and technology viewing there’s a lot of cinema YouTube and the algorithm recently suggested something that turned out to be quite interesting, The Russo’s Pizza Film School.

The Russo Brothers, Joe and Anthony, are responsible for my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe films, The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, and End Game. During this enforced lockdown they have been holding a virtual film school, focused on screenplay and structure, exploring films that influence their tastes and craft. The films are a diverse lot ranging from Blue Velvet and No Country for Old Men to genre and cult favorites such as The Evil Dead and 1980’s Flash Gordon.

They also bring on guests to help them discuss the movies ranging from film critics to actors and directors. It’s named the Pizza Film School because they suggest ordering a pie from a local shop, to support small local businesses, and enjoying a slice or two as they explore what makes these films tick and work.

If you have an interest in story structure and how these films influenced a pair of truly talented film makers check out the Pizza Film School, I’ll link to the Flash Gordon episode as a starter. The episodes mostly run about an hour long, mostly.
