Daily Archives: July 22, 2020

Streaming Review: The Old Guard

This month Netflix added to its catalog the adventure The Old Guard. Starring and produced by Charlize Theron The Old Guard is an adaptation of a comic book about a band of warriors who are nearly immortal.

Theron plays ‘Andy,’ the leader of the mercenaries and the eldest having been at this since antiquity. Kiki Layne plays Niles Freeman a U.S. Marine and she is the newest addition to the squad providing an audience surrogate and a handy target for backstory and exposition. Attempts to stay in the shadows of the modern world fails for the Andy and her team leading to confrontation with a greedy pharma corporation and the discovery that truly are fates worse than death.

The Old Guard is a solid action movie without any glaring flaws or shortcomings. Theron plays both action and emotional beats with skill and as a producer she has shown a talent for bring in productions that have a deeper construction than a surface gloss. All of the performances in the film are competent and the script moves at a pleasing clip. There are turns and reveals in the story and it may be because I am a writer myself but none of these were truly surprising but neither are they damaging to the movie’s dramatic narrative. The combat is brutal and the effects of violence, even on those who heal magically, is never ignored. A moment at the film’s resolution echoed another film about immortality Chronos but aside from that I thoroughly enjoyed by hair of two hours it took to watch this film.

Overall if you have a Netflix account and enjoy films of the fantastic this is worth your time.
