Daily Archives: July 17, 2020

Quick Hits July 17, 2020

Burn the GOP to the Ground


Pence would have been far from perfect but leaving corrupt incompetent Trump in has made the pandemic far worse and that is entirely at the feet of the spineless Republican politicians.


 The Towering Inferno Still Holds Up.


I’ve been watching this on HBO (I have the DVD, but HBO is in High Def.) and thoroughly enjoying a style of filmmaker that has fallen out of favor. Loads with stars and taking the time to tell stories. Though you gotta wonder about a team of firemen walking around with plastic explosives and detonators.


New Story Ideas beginning to bubble in my brain


This damned crisis, both global and personal, has been sapping my creativity but an idea for another Sf/noir is starting to take form in my head. It would be on a generation ship where sharp distinct classes have formed between crew and colonists and the murder that shatters the secrecy at the heart of the noir.
