Daily Archives: June 2, 2020

Just a Few Thoughts

I don’t have a lot of time and there is prose writing to be done but I have a few thoughts to share.


It is abundantly clear that in the nation we have a police brutality problem. Far too often they act as occupiers with the rest of the population subjugated.

It is also abundantly clear that systemic racism amplifies this brutality and black and brown people suffer disproportionately because of it.

The president in the words of a conservative podcaster ‘fetishizes brutality,’ and his most devoted followers fetishize his illusionary strength.

That which cannot be endured will not be. All people, individually and collectively, have their breaking points and when those are reach chaos predictably follows.

People who so confidently asserted that the GOP 94 victory averted a ‘civil war’ will remain blind to the causes of the current unrest.

And finally;

This is all far from over.

