Daily Archives: January 17, 2020

Well, That Was a Day Lost

Yesterday I awoke to a blinding migraine. I hate it when they sneak up on me while I am sleeping. If I am awake I can usually feel the pre-migraine show starting up take my meds and keep them from become more than simply troublesome, but if they strike in the night I wake to find that any amount of light and noise is intolerable and I am forced to use the heavier medication that leaves me groggy, dizzy, and useless for nearly everything for a significant number of hours.

It wasn’t until about 2 pm that I became useful in any capacity and it wasn’t until around 9:30 pm that the migraine itself lifted.

Needless to say I did not go to work and I did not get any writing completed.

It could have been worse. Today looks to be better.
