It Begins Again

Yesterday I moved beyond notes, character design, and outlines with actual prose written on my next novel. I will admit that I did not get as much written on day one of the novel as I had hoped but words are on the page and the project has at least a little momentum.

Sunday night for whatever reason turned out to be a poor sleep night. I awoke after about 3 and a half hours of sleep with a parched throat and after cool water to deal with that issue I spent the rest of the evening in a sleep/wake cycle that precluded any real rest. While I did get writing done on my lunch break at the day job, in the evening I was simply too exhausted for anything more strenuous than watching the final episode of season two of The Crown. There wasn’t enough Princess Anne in the season, she’s clearly become my new favorite character.

I would love to get my novel’s first draft completed by the end of May. That would mean about 20,000 words per month or about 5,000 words per week. That’s is a doable goal despite this halting start from yesterday.

I am also working out the design for a Newsletter that will come out monthly. In the final week of each month I plan to release an email newsletter with defined content to help promote myself as an author. I am also thinking about releasing, also on a monthly schedule, previously published short stories of mine in an audio format.
