Daily Archives: January 24, 2019

It’s Going to be A very Crowded Field

Well, we’ve started the race for the next Democratic contender for President of the United States and much like the Republican field from 2016 it is going to be a large one. (What’s the collective noun for a grouping of Politicians?)

Much like the 2016 GOP slate this one is looking top collect quite a few lesser known and lower tier politicians, though unlike the Republicans so far we haven’t’ seen any rich non-politicians leap into the fray. If I remember correctly in 2012 the GOP offered a lot more of the ‘rich dude’ running to run sort of candidate and perhaps that was because deposing an incumbent is a difficult thing to do. Of course Trump will be an incumbent, but he will also be a particularly weak one. (Unless there is some dramatic change. Remember Bush the Elder was in the 90s for his approval numbers but an economic downturn doomed his reelection and Bush the Younger had very low number until 9/11 unified the nation and helped his reelection.)

I am placing no bets this early as to who will walk away with the nomination but we are a year and a half out from the election with an incumbent that last time lost the popular contest by 3 million votes and is currently boasting an approval of 39.5 vs. a disapproval of 55.8.

