Daily Archives: January 16, 2019

Back in the Saddle Again

I never participate in National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo, because the month that it occurs in, November, it just far too busy at my day-job. By November the Medicare application comes flooding in, the overtime starts stacking up, and pretty much my writing goes on a pause. This year was no exception.

Mind you, I am not complaining. I have a good job, with healthy pay and benefits, where I work with a number of very cool people. The overtime from the end of year enrollment period also help me buy extra goodies for myself, 2017’s extra money paid for a new larger and better television, and 2018’s allowed me to replace my desktop computer with a new one.

That said it feels good to get back to fiction writing again.

I’m currently crafting some additional scenes for my WIP a military SF novel. The book was completed but given a few weeks to consider some option I hit upon an idea that I think strengthens the opening 2 acts with giving away the reveal of the final two. Once these scenes are completed and polished I think I know exactly which editor to send to book to.
