Daily Archives: January 15, 2019

Spider Man: Far From Home, thoughts and Reactions

First off this is not a post where I try to find every Easter egg and buried reference in the trailer. My knowledge base is far from deep enough to challenge those who perform that service much more completely than I even could obtain.

Second, I remember when a teaser trailer was really brig, but as withy everything else Hollywood things have gotten larger and louder to try to break through the cacophony that is our modern life.

So, here’s the trailer.

While I really loved the first two Sam Rami Spiderman film, that third one we do not speak of anymore, I adore that the MCU version of the character has remained set as a story centered around Peter Parker high school character. This is the heart of the character and even though they will eventually have to transition away from that setting delaying that inevitable leap is a good call.

This trailer looks really fun: it appears to have the heart, soul, and spirit of the first film and deepens the connections of the larger MCU.

In that connection to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe it is clear that many of not all of the major effects of Infinity War is going to be undone. That is no surprise. The slate of announced films and simply understanding that a major corporation, particularly The House of Mouse, is not going to discard franchises worth billions of dollars of revenue on an artistic achievement. That said the real key to the upcoming Avengers: End Game  is not if they reverse those action but how do they achieve the desired conclusion. If the gimmick is simply use the Time Stone to rewind time, that will be unsatisfactory to me and likely quite a few others. I adore Superman: The Movie  but the turn back time robs the ends of real emotional power. I have faith that the Russo Brothers and their writers are going to give us something better than that.

2019 looks to be packed with films worthy of anticipation.
