Power’s Conquest Over Principle

The GOP is the party of Trump. It has been for sometime ad before Trump came along the various actors on the Republican side have been carving out an ecological niche for someone like Trump so his sudden rise to take control of the party is only surprising in that it cam from outside, from hated Hollywood and not from some fire and brimstone social conservative politician.

Trump has laid bare that there are very few, if any, principles that the GOP are willing to jettison in order to win and retain power. I say this as someone who at one time registered as a Republican, who has voted for Republican candidates, but fled the party when it became clear that the rot ran deep and that the corruption could not be excised I departed without any qualms.

This past week has brought their abandonment of all previous pretentions of principal into sharp focus.

If you are younger you are unlikely to remember the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. In 1979 the Soviets invaded that graveyard of empires and propping up a puppet government sparking a guerrilla war that bled the evil empire of blood, treasure, and prestige. President Carter ordered the United States to boycott the Olympics as a protest earning a merciless mocking by conservatives for his perceived weak and ineffectual response. One of the few unifying elements running through the GOP of the Cold War was staunch anti-communism. The collapse of International Communism robbed the GOP of that grand unifying force and now the leader of the GOP, the standard bearer that they are willing to change to rules to protect from potential insurgencies in 2020 has rewritten in accordance with Russian propaganda that depicts the invasion of Afghanistan as a noble struggled against thuggery.

Donald Trump this week on the Soviet Invasion:


The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there. 


This really should be no surprise to anyone, Trump loves displays of violence mistaking them for strength it is at heart why he admires the murderers of Tiananmen Square, and dictators from the south the pacific to the Kremlin. What cannot be ignored is the complicity of the Republican Party. In pursuit if lax business regulations, reduced taxation for the wealthy, regressive social engineering they are all too happy to join Trump and to never cross him less their base rebel and coast them their precious power. A power that has becomes unyoked from any morality.
